Chapter 4:

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Basil woke up first in the group, at seven A.M, he sat up, looking at the sunrise outside, smiling briefly before going to get a water bottle. He started reading a random book he found for forty-five minutes before Sunny woke up. "Ah, good morning, Sunny!" Basil calls out a little too loudly, making Mari stir in her sleep.

"Morning, Basil. How'd you sleep?" Sunny asks, sleepily.

"Good.. You?" Basil asks, putting a smile on his face.

"Ah, good." Sunny replies, standing up and stretching. Soon after, Hero wakes up, yawning.

"Good morning, guys!" Hero says, sitting up. "Do you guys want a muffin?" Hero asks, reaching into a bag and pulling out a chocolate chip muffin for each.

"Yeah!" Basil calls out happily smiling, Hero nods and throws one to him.

"Oooh! Me too! Me too!" Sunny shouts, putting a hand in the air, Hero tosses him on as well.

As they're eating, Kel wakes up, his hair messily bouncing as he sat up. "Oh, good morning, Kelsey! Want a chocolate chip muffin?" Hero asks, finishing a bite. Kel's face lights up with a smile.

"YES, PLEASE!" Kel shouts, waking Aubrey, she throws her pillow at his face, sloppily.

"Shut up, Kel!" Aubrey mumbles, going back to bed. Hero chuckles and throws him one. Aubrey wakes up after Kel yells a 'thank you' to Hero.

"Kelll! I'm trying to sleep!" Aubrey whines, sitting up.

"Sorry, sorry, princess." Kel replies, rolling his eyes, taking another bite of his food.

"WHERE'D YOU GET THAT!? I WANT ONE!" Aubrey shouts, sitting up straight.

"Here, Aubs." Hero tells her, throwing her one for herself. She smiles and her eyes light up.

"Thanks, Hero, you're the best!" Aubrey shouts, taking a massive bite of it. With all the shouting, Mari awoke.

"Ah, good morning, everyone!" Mari lazily mumbles, yawning and stretching.

"Mowning, Mawi!" Aubrey says, not pronouncing her r's correctly from her mouth full.

"Good morning!" Kel says, taking a big gulp of Orange Joe.

"Morning, Mars!" Sunny says, looking up from the colouring page he had.

"Good morning, Mari!!" Basil shouts, not looking up from his book.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" Hero jokes, chuckling at the end. Mari bursts out in a loud laughter.

"Hero.. what th-the..heck!?" Mari says, laughing in between.

"Couldn't help myself!" He replied, throwing a chocolate chip muffin at Mari.

After eating, they go get dressed and watch random cartoons on the laptop, which they all enjoyed. During one of the episodes, Hero went to go make popcorn while Mari set up a movie.

The group ended up choosing a horror movie, mostly because Aubrey and Kel challenged each other to see who'll scream first. Kel held the popcorn since he was in the middle, sitting on Hero's lap. Aubrey sat right next to him, laying on Hero's left leg. Mari sat on the other side of him, Sunny and Basil both squeezed in Mari's lap.

During the movie, there was a jumpscare, scaring everyone. Kel had the worst of it, he threw the popcorn up in the air, spilling it everywhere. "Kellllll!" Aubrey complained, sitting up, picking out pieces of popcorn from her hair.

Most of it got on Kel, Basil, and the floor. They stopped the movie to clean up and decided on just watching a romance movie, since that'd get everyone happier.

Mari was hugging Sunny and Basil from behind, resting her head on their shoulders. She felt the need to be overly affectionate, it helped suppress the guilt of lying to everyone.

After the movie, they went outside to play different games, then everyone went home so Sunny and Mari could practice alone. Mari was quite pitiful for the young boy, afterall she was lying to him.

As they practiced for hours and hours, Mari's patience grew thinner and thinner. She felt her anger and guilt of lying rise with every note she played. This did not help her play. She calmed down by seeing the joyous smile on her baby brother. "Hey, Sunny," Mari began, nervously.

"Yes?" He asked, intrigued by what she had to say.

"I.. I, uhm.." Mari stuttered, was this the right time to tell him? No, she shouldn't waste this perfect day. Tomorrow she will. "I'm super excited for the recital! Can't wait, hehe! It's taking up sooo much of my mind, it keeps me up at night just thinking at how much fun it'll be!" Mari lied. Well, the last part wasn't a full lie, so it was okay, right? It did keep her up at night, but from nervousness and anger and guilt.

"Yeah, me too! It's going to be lovely! Just like how lovely your playing is!" Sunny says to her, smiling. Mari let out a weak smile back.

"You're so sweet, Sun Sun! I love you sooooooo very much!" Mari shouts, hugging Sunny tightly.

"Love you too, Mars!" Sunny mumbles out from her bear hug. As Mari lets him go, sje notices it's already late.

"Oh, we should head to bed, it's 22:42(10:42 P.M.)!" Mari says, looking at the clock. Sunny frowns, and looks at her.

"Just a little bit longer?" Sunny asks, doing puppy dog eyes, Mari sighs.

"Fine, just let me make myself a cup of coffee so I'm not half awake during it." Mari tells him, he smiles widely.

"Yay! Thank you, Mari!" Sunny shouts, putting on a random movie. Mari smiles, coming back from the kitchen, seeing as Sunny had already fallen asleep.

Mari picks him up, carrying him to his room. She then goes back, putting his violin away and storing it safely in his room. "Guess I don't need this, huh? I'll save it for mom." Mark whispers to herself, setting the glass in the fridge before returning to her own room.

She was far too tired to change, so she just laid in bed and tried to sleep. But that's when her mind chose to think of every possible bad thing that could ever happen to her in one day.

Sunny's lying. You know he's lying. He doesn't love you. No one does. You're a dirty liar. How could anyone love a dirty little liar like you? You're not special, no wonder they hate you. They're just pretending because they don't want to hurt your feelings, you know that, right, Mari? You know everyone secretly hates you, right? Mari was tired and didn't want to hear anything at the moment.

"Shut up!" Mari says to herself, hitting her head, tears threatening to spill. "I need to tell him, don't I?" Mari questions herself, like she'd have any answers.

With a sigh, Mari took her journal, turning her lamp on. She quickly wrote down, 'Tell Sunny tomorrow', knowing that'd help. She stuffed her journal underneath her bed, just as she laid down, Mewo came up to her.

She pet the kitten, smiling as she purred happily. She stayed there, petting the cat for a while, before she fell asleep, cuddling the black cat. But when she awoke, she came to find it was only 3 A.M.

"Great.." Mari told herself. She saw the cat had left to go do whatever she did, so she was left alone. Mari knew she wouldn't be able to sleep anytime soon, by herself at least. Groaning, Mari got up, and went to Sunny's room. On nights like this she'd still go to her parents' room, but they had gone out of town for a few days, leaving the pair alone.

Mari opened the door, to find a sleeping Sunny, his face lit up by the moon outside. "Hey, Sunny, wake up!" Mari whispered, shaking the boy lightly. He slowly opened his eyes, then yawned, rubbing one eye with a fist.

"Hm?" He said, trying to stay sleepy.

"Can I sleep in here with you? I can't sleep and mom and dad aren't home." Mari whispers, feeling the need to be quiet even if it was just them.

"Huh, oh, sure.." Sunny mumbles, moving over to make space for her. She grins and lays down.

"Thanks, Sun!" Mark exclaims cheerfully, she genuinely wouldn't have known what to do if he declined.

She soon fell asleep, cuddling Sunny as he slept, snoring softly, which Mari found adorable. Ever since he was a baby, he'd snore softly, if he was in a super deep sleep, he'd sometimes drool too.

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