Part one north America

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You were stationed in Washington DC the United States Capitol you've been hearing about the news about the American union state and the combined syndicates of America while you're talking to America about this
Y/n: this is kind of out of hand have syndicate and fascist trying to take all the country because they meet their own parties let's hope this election goes well
USA: I hope so too I hope this doesn't go into a Civil War I don't want my country to go into that
Y/n: sing that would just be bloody well the elections are going to start tomorrow let's see who's going to win the presidenc
USA:I hope so this isn't going to end well I have to deal with syndicates and American unionists and this election
Y/n: I hope it goes well for you
USA: thanks I just hope this doesn't go worse or that we have to bring MacArthur or they call him the American Caesar
But if we do it's necessary to keep this country together
Y/n:I understand

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