Part four  American Union states girl part 1

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Takes place in Virginia halfway to the Great Plains

You and usa wake up after you guys hear some commotion that made you wake up

USA: what happened what was that noise

Dave: looks like you guys are awake

Y/n: yeah but what was that noise

You and the usa Jump out of the back of Dave's truck

Dave:I don't know but I think we should go check it out

Joey: i'm gonna go check it out

Joey: i'm gonna go check it out

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Joey Is the boy in the middle

Dave: that's a good idea

Y/n:I'm going to go with Joey to go check it out

USA: Oh ok dear come back safely

Y/n: what was that

USA: nothing soldier

Y/n:Oh ok

Y/n and Joey walk off to go find a noise

You and Joey start to heal gunfire going on

Joey: something definitely must be happening it might be a little gunfight or something

Y/n: yeah it might but we should go see

They both see some American soldiers

Soldier1: remember what we're fighting for men

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Soldier1: remember what we're fighting for men

soldier 4: down with the traders up with the stars

Soldier 6:When are the reinforcements coming

Soldier 3:Not anytime soon at least they're still holding back the syndicalists in Washington DC

Soldier 5:Well isn't that just great

Soldier 2:We don't have time for your sarcasm we're fighting for our lives our children and our wife's and families

You and Joey Head back to the group

Y/n: you guys were back

USA: you guys you guys are here it is

Radio: we are just got confirmation that
4 more nations declared independence from America New England and the Pacific states and Puerto Rico and Hawaii
And the Canadians just took Alaska

USA: what has mycountry become

You hug the USA to try to make her feel better you didn't realize you made usa Brush

USA blushing: thanks

Y/n: you're welcome

American Union States: well well well look what we have here

American Union States: well well well look what we have here

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USA: what do you want you traitor

Aus: is that how you treat your family sister

Dave and his friends: wait you have a sister

Y/n: I did not expect that

Aus: now who is this handsome one

Y/n blushing

USA: well if you don't mind sister he's mine he's my soldier

Joey: don't you mean boyfriend

USA blushing

Aus: well if you don't mind I'm gonna take him your little boyfriend because I think you should also share your soldier with your sisters

USA:No it's mine get your own boyfriend

Aus: how about no he's mine and you just have four other people with you

How many words 448

male Soldier reader x  Female kaiserreich countries Love and war My dearWhere stories live. Discover now