Part 2 the Second American Civil War the beginning

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New station:People of America we have a winner of the election of 1936 of America and the Democratic John n garner for the President of the United States

USA:Looks like the Democrats won the election
Y/n: yeah that's good to hear I just hope nothing else bad happens
Meanwhile in the south
AUS: this election was fraud we obviously won the election but they faked it
Aus soldiers: so what are we going to do
Aus: I think it's time to clean this nation of corruption
Meanwhile In the rust belt
Csa: they just elected a man that will only serve the rich not the poor all the workers we need to destroy these Democrats workers rights forever
Csa soldiers: yes ma'am
In the Pacific states
Psa: we are the true America we're declaring independence from this feeling union
With usa and y/n
Y/n:It's been a pretty hard week hasn't it with riots in New work city  and this American union state in the south And the combined syndicates and rust belt or the red belt now
USA: yeah it has I am going to go talk to
The dominion of Canada you can come with me if you want
Y/n: oh thanks I guess I'm going with you
USA: thanks y/n
The usa hugs y/n
USA mind: your mine now dear I promise I will protect you and we will have a great life together

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