Part five American Union State girl  part 2

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USA: give me back my soldier sister

Aus:How about no he's mine not yours mine

Dave:Listen you don't have to get in the fight how about you too just sharing

USA and aus: NO!

Dave: oh ok never mind

Aus:How about you guys come with me you guys can stay with me a while

Dave and his friends: that's actually kind of nice of you

USA: if only I get to have my boyfriend back I mean soldier for a while

Aus: OK sister we will share your little boyfriend or you like to call him your soldier

USA: OK I will take your offer traitor

USA AUS y/n And Are you and his friends
All go to American Union state base

Win you guys get there You see from American Union state soldiers outside
The base standing guard

Win you guys get there You see from American Union state  soldiers outside The base standing guard

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Aus Soldier 1: Hi commander

Aus: hello to you to soldier

USA Dave and his friends and y/n follow American Union state into her base

Inside the base

Joey:This place looks amazing

Aus: thanks
USA: can I have my soldier back now

Aus: You mean your boyfriend

USA blushing: yes

Aus:Well here you go but first

Aus gives y/n A kiss before letting him go

Y/n blushing:thanks for the kiss

Aus: you're welcome dear

USA hugged y/n and gives him a kiss as well then hugs him

USA: mine soldier

Y/n blushing a lot

Dave and his friends: Love such a beautiful thing

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