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Hi guys, I forgot to mention a very important thing in the previous chapter, which is the ages, I think Vance was 16 when he was taken by the police in the movie, because it shows Bruce's age which is 13, it just doesn't show Vance's , it's for him to have been arrested he must have been at least 16 I think.
And in the story Bruce won't be 13 because obviously that would be weird, so here he's 17 in the 11th grade, and since Vance failed twice he must already be 20 and he's in the 12th grade. Well folks that was it, I hope you understood me.

It was already 7 am, I was ready and almost leaving, I was just finishing packing my backpack and checking if I hadn't forgotten anything.

"Dear" my mother appeared out of nowhere in front of his room

"Hi mom, is there a problem?" Today she is different, at breakfast she kept looking at me and talking strangely

"To be honest, yes there is a problem" My mother was always very honest and very direct "was that Vance Hopper who was with you in front of the house yesterday?" She asked this question as if she already knew the answer, but to be sure, she wanted to hear it from my mouth.

"Yes mom, it was him, why?" Okay, I understand her concern, Vance wasn't a good role model, but he never did anything to me, so...

"And you still ask, he's not good company, he's already been arrested and even killed someone, I don't want you near him" my mother was a very correct woman and cared a lot about me

"Mom, he never killed anyone and he was never arrested either..., but he's not a bad person like everyone thinks and it's people who mess with him, knowing that he has problems and yesterday he only accompanied me because it was very late "I know very well that it's worrying but she knows I've never dated the wrong people

"Okay, this time it will pass, but I don't want you going out with that boy" I just shook my head, gave a quick kiss goodbye and left towards school

The ride was very peaceful except for some conversations and laughter that I heard around me and I could have sworn I heard my name and Vance's name amidst some laughter.

"I thought you were going to be late today too" Tomy was waiting for me in front of the school as usual

"I was late only yesterday" I tried to say in the friendliest way possible

"Okay I know, man, can you explain something to me?" We were already in the hallway greeting some people and heading to our first class

"Of course" Tomy looked like my mother earlier today

"Did you go home with Vance Hopper yesterday or is that just a rumor?" That question made me freeze in place

"Who told you that?" There was no way Tomy would know this, he doesn't even live near me "just tell me if it's true or not"

As soon as I went to explain myself, the doorbell rang and we had to run to the room.

"Don't think you're going to run away from me, I want to know if this is true or not" we were already in the classroom and the teacher was starting the class

The class was almost peaceful if it wasn't for someone who kept bothering me about Vance, he just walked me home, what's wrong with that?

"So were you with him or not yesterday?" Tomy is my best friend, but there have been times when I wish he wasn't

"If I say yes or no, what does that change?" We had already left the room, and it's good that we only had this class together

"DID YOU REALLY GO OUT WITH VANCE?" That was all I needed, I needed a microphone now so the rest of the city could hear it too

"guy keep it down" I ran to cover his mouth

"You still haven't answered me" I think today he won't get off my back until I speak

"He just walked me home, that's all" I tried to speak in a way that wouldn't make the situation worse but it didn't seem to work, Tomy was frozen with his mouth open

"Tomy? Hey Tomy, we'll talk later...the doorbell is about to ring and I have to go" I almost ran to my room leaving him in the hallway


We were already at break, everyone at the table Tomy said absolutely nothing and just stared at Vance who was on the other side of the cafeteria, while the rest of the team stared at me without eating anything.

"Are you going to look at me or are you going to eat?" They started to eat but that bad mood remained and Tomy couldn't stop looking at Vance

"Is it true what Tomy said?" As expected, Tomy didn't know how to hold that big mouth

"It's serious what you have against him, as far as I know he's never done anything to you, damn it, stop acting like children" I guarantee that the table next to me heard me, Tomy stopped staring at Vance, I just washed myself with my lunch and went to the outside tables

I spent the entire break alone on one of the benches outside the cafeteria.

"Are you stressed, Bruce?" I knew that tone of voice very well.

"Why would you be stressed?" I don't want any more stress, but Vance didn't do anything, so there was no reason to be rude to him.

"I don't know, maybe because of the rumors or maybe because of a fight with your friends a few minutes ago" Vance sat in front of me so we could talk better.

"Two things, first it wasn't a fight, it was an argument and second you are the culprit of the rumors" I say looking deeply into his eyes wishing that this would reach his soul so that he would feel at least a little guilty

I thought Vance was going to hit me or call me names or something, but he just looked at me and I assure you it wasn't just any look, he was looking at my lips instead of my eyes, which ended up making me feel intensely hot. my cheeks.

"You still haven't told me who you went to see yesterday" I tried to change the subject, moving away from him to hide my pink cheeks

"I thought you'd already figured it out, it's not that difficult" Vance continued staring at me, as if nothing and no one could take his attention.

"I have to go" I get up to take out my trash and head towards the door when I realize Vance was still sitting "aren't you coming?"

He gets up and comes close to me, too close, he was so close that if I tilted my head forward a little I would lay on his chest.

"I'm leaving now" Vance had no concept of personal space and it was even better that he had no idea about it

"but classes aren't over" I tried to concentrate looking elsewhere, because if I looked it would be in front of his face which was extremely close, I could feel his breath on my hair

"you know how it is, right, I have to keep my pinball record, do you want to come along?" This made me look up, getting so close to his face that it made my cheeks heat up even more.

"you know, I'm not one to do things like that" I tried to remain calm, but it seemed like every moment he was getting closer and closer, I felt my breathing start to fail

"You who knows" Vance definitely did it on purpose, he finally pulled away and it felt like the air was back in my lungs "see you later"

"later?" He was already far away and, as always, he pretended not to hear me.

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