Bad guy

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"Hey, don't you want to come in?" It was still early and since I didn't want to be alone

"Your father and your mother?" Vance asked still inside the car

"They're not, my father is traveling and my mother only comes back late" Vance gets out of the car going to me "is it okay for me to get in?" Vance said with a suspicious tone looking at the ground and this is understandable, since he knows his reputation in the city very well

"There's no problem for me" I really don't care what they said about him

I literally forced him in, offered him something to drink or eat but he just wanted beer and there isn't, in fact no one in my family drinks "there's only soda" Vance rolled his eyes "ok, it may be" I made him go upstairs, and when we got to my room he went straight to my bed and lay down with everything, I sat next to him

We were talking, of course I talked a lot while Vance just shook his head with his eyes closed, there was a moment when I thought he was sleeping, because he had stopped agreeing, but I kept talking

"You talk like hell, right" Vance got up and started looking at my room and I kept sitting where I was "my mother says this is a quality" Vance kept prowling my room

"Your room is very organized and very different from mine, you have to see" he looked over his shoulder

"Is this an invitation?" He turns around and walks back to me, standing in front of me "who knows?" I laughed while he was still serious

"Why did you invite me in?"

"No special reason, I just didn't want to be alone" I shringed my knees against my chest

"And then you chose not to be alone with me?" He seemed confused

"What's wrong, you never did anything to me" I got up in front of him

"But I could do it now" your hand went straight to my waist

"Why did you go to see me in the field?" I can be slow but not that much

"You think you're too much yamada" he started to go down and raise the hand that was on my waist, so I took courage and put my arms around his neck

"My name is Bruce" as soon as I finished speaking and was raised for good Vance made me put my legs around his waist

"Wheat are you going to do?" I asked very close to his face, missing centimeters to touch his lips

"I'm not going to do anything you don't want" vance laid me on the bed as incredible as it looks delicately and stood on top of me getting closer until his lips reached my neck and started giving small kisses

"I'm a minor"Vance stopped and looked into my eyes, at no time was I afraid of what would happen but it's always good to provoke

"I don't care about that" Vance came back to my neck but different from the other time, he started to bite and kiss more deeply

I put my hands on your neck and started caressing your hair "you're going to leave marks"

Vance looked into my eyes again and kissed me, I never imagined that my first kiss would be with a boy much less with Vance Hopper "this is the intention"

"Are you possessive?" I gave a small peck on your lips

"Only with what is mine"

When you finally think I'll touch the hem of my shirt

"Bruce, you left the door to the door"

"Oh shit" I push him with everything making him fall to the ground

"Ow, man"

"What's going on up there" I just heard my mother screaming from below

"Nothing, mom, I just tripped"

"Stay here, I'll be right back" I fix my hair to look like I wasn't doing anything

"But yours..."

"I'll be right back" Vance wanted to tell me something but I have to talk to my mother now if not she will suspect

"Hi mom, I'll be back early huh" I go down the stairs I see her on her foot in the kitchen finishing tidying up the shopping

"Early? You know what time it is" my mother hadn't looked at me yet

"I know, it's 5pm" I deduced time, we couldn't have taken that long

"Bruce dear, I think you're not well today it's almost 6pm and... what's that on your neck?" When my mother finally turned to me, she went straight to my neck

"Oh shit"


sorry for mistakes this was the most embarrassing cap

Maybe it's differentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora