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I came back, Someone who has already followed this fic I recommend going back to the chapter, I changed some things

"Oh shit"

"This is a hickey" my mother tried to see it again but I covered it and ran to the living room

"No, it's not," he says still covering his neck

"So what is this... oh I knew" mine started pointing at me

"Did you know what?" Mine stops looking at me and pointing and starts running to the stairs

"I hope he knows how to jump the window" of mine starts running to my room

"Wait mom, there's no one here" I went up behind her, she opens the door with everything but we only see Vance jumping out the window when he sees my mother

"Iai Mrs. Yamada" Vance said already downstairs in the garden "I really wanted to stay but you seem a little nervous, so see you later, bye Bruce" Vance ran straight to the car

"Come back here now Hopper" my mother ran back to the stairs, she gets to the door but we only saw the smoke from the car back

"Bruce, Ta grounded" she didn't even look at me to say that, she just locked the door and left the room as if it were nothing

"Whey??" My mother, as always, very understanding


It was already in the morning I can say for sure the mood was not the best, my mother told me to go out or stay later on the street, I can only go to school and baseball training without mentioning that she wants to take me and pick me up now at school

"Mom, I can go to school very well alone" I tried anyway to talk to her but it was complicated

"I don't want to hear a complaint anymore, it was you who caused all this, I asked you to stay away from Hopper and what do you do to me? Keeps clinging to him" as I said before very understanding

"That's a lie, we weren't holding on..."

"It's not what your neck tells me, come on, let's go, take this scarf"

"But it's hot" ready now she wants to kill me from the heat

"Doesn't interest, I don't want rumors to start because your neck is all marked, now let's go"

I don't know what it was worse to go by scarf to school in the summer or my mother took me by car, and I really wouldn't care if they saw my neck like that


I already at school I didn't even want to get out of the car, I've already seen Tomy and the others right in front of the school waiting for me

"Ready we arrived now you can go, I'll pick you up at 4:30pm" my mother already opened the car door

"Mom, please, I can go back alone" was already imposing it on her

"I'll pick you up at 4:30pm and without complaining, now I've seen your friends waiting for you" she basically pushed me out of the car

Just stepping in front of the school it seems that the world has stopped, everyone stops what they were doing to face me

"Good morning Bruce, which one is this scarf and summer is hiding something?" Tomy made a point of speaking loudly so that everyone could hear

I couldn't move, it seemed like everything had crashed

"Oh, are you going to take it off or do you prefer that we take it from you" Tomy already had his hands on my scarf

When I was about to steer on the scarf I heard the noise of the bell, I took advantage of the fact that everyone got distracted and ran inside

"Don't think about running away Bruce until the end of the day, you'll take it away at one time or another"

I can't say how much I'm screwed the room was a hell of hot and to make matters worse the fans had broken, in the middle of the class I couldn't stand it anymore I tried to loosen the scarf a little but I ended up letting a small mark escape, I only came across it when I turn around and I realize Tomy's deep look on me but I need the brand

"Now I'm screwed"

As incredible as it may seem, the class ended but Tomy didn't come up with me, being very sincere he even ignores me, I was very calm in Finney's messa and Robin didn't have the courage to sit with the others, Vance was at the table right in front of me he hadn't seen that show in the morning because he arrived late, everything was so quiet until...

"Boys and girls, especially girls it seems that our dear Bruce is no longer available to anyone but Vance Hopper" Tomy was on the table looking directly at me

"What does he mean by that?" Some people who were on my side tried to gesture with me

"You're crazy Tomy we've never seen Bruce with anyone, imagine with Vance" a girl until well known for being one of my "fans" got up

"Do you want me to show you? Bring him here" I got scared when I was picked up from my newsstand and being taken care of by two to him, Robin tried to help me but was prevented by another with Vance it was the same thing two of the team were right next to him on the table

"I said that at one time or another you were going to take it off" I tried to let go but it was very complicated, Tomy grabbed my scarf and chewed with everything

They finally let me go and I stayed there since I had nothing else to do, I looked like the center of some show

"Our Bruce, did something happen to you?" To be very honest, I wasn't angry or sad about the situation, at least now I don't have to stand any more girls on my foot now

"Because I would have something to tell, I don't see what's wrong with this actually you did it to me it was a favor and the big ones I couldn't stand it anymore, it's very hot, which was because they're looking at me like this it even seems like they've never seen me" Tomy seemed as surprised as, he came down from the table however and tried to grab my collar but went straight to the floor with a vance punch

"I really think those guys were going to hold me" Vance didn't seem at all impressed with what had happened "Brave huh"

"As always, right"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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