Can not

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Before I could enter I was pulled into one of the bathrooms, I expected it to be just Tomy but it was almost the entire team.

"You guys are crazy, pulling people like that" there were at least six boys in the bathroom not counting me

"I think the only crazy person here is you" Tomy looked like a gang leader with all the kids behind him shaking their heads

"Really? What have I done now?" I know very well what I did but I didn't see any problem with it

"Don't be stupid" Tomy like most of the team was taller than me and used it to scare others, but it doesn't work for me

"the only idiot here is you, leave me alone, I have to go to class now" I tried to pass but was stopped by the rest of the team "what's wrong guys?"

"What is it guys? You make friends with delinquents and people who are idiots, you won't talk to them anymore" are you joking they are thinking who are who

"Are you my mother to decide something about my life?" Tomy grabbed my shirt with all his might and was about to punch me when someone came in

"What are you doing?" Finney has already entered the bathroom Going to help me "let him go" Finney was brave but he was already shorter than me, imagine being next to Tomy "get out of here faggot" Tomy pushed Finney with everything making him fall with everything, I hadn't noticed , but Finney wasn't alone

It all happened so fast that I only saw at the time that Tomy was on the floor with a bloody nose. "Who did you call a faggot?" Robin was another considered a "delinquent", but with some differences from Vance

"Go away before I finish smashing your face" Robin had grown a lot in physique and height since last summer, of course Vance was still much taller

Tomy needed help to get out

"Everything okay there, man?" Robin asked me while helping Finn "thanks to you two, yes"

"What happened?" Finney now had Robin around him, making sure everything was okay.

I was about to start explaining when the doorbell interrupted me for the second time today "sorry guys, I have to go, I'll explain later...and thanks again for helping me" I run away in fear of missing the class


Finally the last bell rang it was time to go home, I couldn't take this day anymore, I was at the school gate when I saw a blonde hairdresser standing on the other side of the street waving, some students stopped what they were doing to see me heading towards him, but my concern wasn't the people around me but Tomy, I looked everywhere and I'm grateful I didn't find him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left" Vance was leaning against the hood of his car.

"I said we'd see you later, didn't I?" Vance definitely wants to die "I thought you were joking" he kept paying attention to everyone who passed us and kept mumbling, Vance doesn't seem to care about that

"Come on let's go" Vance leaves the corporal and goes straight to the pilot's seat "you're crazy, you don't expect me to get in there, do you?"

Before Vance can think about answering anything I start to hear my name from far away "BRUCE DON'T YOU DARE GET IN THAT CAR" Tomy was screaming and running or trying to, there was a crowd in front of the school and Tomy and some kids from the school staff were trying to get to me

I didn't think twice, I hit the car in fact I almost jumped into the car "have you changed your mind?" Vance started the car and accelerated hard.

"don't think it's going to stay like this Bruce" I left with Vance hiding me

As we get further away from the school, Vance slows down "they're going to kill me tomorrow" I thought it was impressive that Vance didn't drive like a crazy person

"so don't go tomorrow", what an incredible idea huh

"I can't, not without reason at least" Vance shrugged "you're too complicated" we finally arrived at my house

"We have arrived, your royalty" these nicknames are not funny

When I got out of the car I remembered that my mother wasn't there, today she had a book club, and as she always takes a while...

"Hey, don't you want to come in?"

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