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A/N: Nothing to say really.

Your mom.

~Video Games - Lana Del Ray~

The fuck just happened?

Nothing. Nothing happened.

I settled on that idea and headed back to Xae's room, suddenly too hot in the kitchen.

Xae honestly looked nothing like their older brother, they had dyed fluffy black hair that hung just the slightest bit past their eyes. Their eyes were light blue, unlike their brother's dark blue ones, and they always had dark under-eye eyeliner on. They had softer features, yet high ass cheekbones, and freckles spotting across their nose. And of course, they were non-binary but born as- wait, why do you care about what they were assigned at birth? You nasty.

I walked to their room and pushed the door open.

"Took you long enough, jesus." They said, rolling their eyes.

"Well it's not my fault everything in your house is made for people above six feet tall." I snapped back.

"Oh please, you're just mad cause you're short."

I gasped dramatically, "I'll have you know that I am average height."

They rolled their eyes, "Keep telling yourself that, buddy."

"You wounded me." I say and dramatically hold my hand on my heart, pouting.

They chuckle slightly, "Dramatic as allways. Anyways, what'd you end up getting?"


We ended up staying up until one a.m. laughing about the most random shit possible before we slowly drifted off.

I woke up the next morning and that's when everything hit. I don't have access to any of my stuff, I don't have a mom who loves me, I can't go home anymore. I can't go home.

I felt physically sick and rushed to the bathroom, emptying my guts in the toilet, jumping when I felt someone rubbing my back.

"I'm honestly so sorry about everything." I heard Xae say comfortingly, to which I nodded gratefully in reply. "Look, finish up in here, wash your face and hands and do whatever you need. Once you're finished with that, we're gonna go shopping since most of your stuff is still at the bitches place."

I nodded again, and with a pat on my back, Xae left the bathroom, closing the door on their way. I flushed the toilet and moved to wash up, attempting to cover my eye bags with Xae's concealer, but the light tone didn't do any justice on my naturally darker Mexican skintone.

I couldn't stop my eyes from taking in my appearance, exhaustion showing in my features.

God I hate my freckles, I always have. I've always been jealous of Xae and their perfect pale skin and beautiful scattered freckles, but naturally I was forced to have annoying big dark ones placed randomly, but not "cute" like Xae's. I had to have my annoying darker complexion and my annoying dark hair and.. No, stop it Asher, you're doing it again..

I shut of the tap and met Xae outside the room, who was wearing an acdc shirt and black jeans.

"You look absolutely disgusting."

"Awe bitch, I know you ain't talking."

"It's not my fault I don't have any other clothes."

They sigh loudly, "You know, Tristan might have some in your size."

"Really?" I couldn't help the bit of excitement that slipped into my voice at the thought of wearing his clothing.

"Someone's happy about that, you got a thing for him?" They raised an eyebrow as I blushed, remembering last night's events.

"No.. no, not at all. Of course I don't, he's gross, he's your brother."

They looked unimpressed. "You know I'm totally chill with it."

"Well that's good cause it ain't happening."

"Sure" they dragged out the r and, with an eyeroll, "go get some clothes dumbass"

"Oh, piss off." I left the room in search of Tristan while flipping Xae off.

"His room is three over on the right."

"Stop speaking."

"You're welcome."

I closed the door and turned right in the hallway, knocking on Tristan's door to which I'm greeted with another one of his stupid smirks.

"Hello Asher. Couldn't get enough of me, huh?"

"Oh fuck off, me and Xae are going shopping and I need some clothes." I rolled my eyes, trying to muster as much of my "sarcastic bitchy nature" as possible.

"That's definitely the only reason you're here, couldn't you have just worn some of Xae's?" He asked while crossing his arms, staring at me intently.

"You know how Xae acts about their clothing. I might be their best friend but there ain't no way I'd make it out alive if I even tried to touch their clothes."

"There's no way of arguing with that. I think I might have an old band shirt or something that could fit you, but you got to change that attitude before I let you in."

"Sorry, I don't know if I heard that right, did you just tell me to change my attitude?"

Tristan smirks, "Yeah, you heard me just right."

He takes a step into his room, to which my body subconsciously follows after.

I glance at his lips for a millisecond and whisper "Oh, glad to know my hearing is still doing okay."

Another step forward. Another glance.

"Yeah." He breathes out as he closed the door behind me, his fingers gently brushed my hip as he retreated them.

I stepped slightly closer after I realized his eyes were tracing my lips and he stepped forward as well.


His firm hands settled around my waist and he gently pushed me against the door.

"You're very pretty."

My cheeks flush a bright red as I look away, a smile threatening to take over my lips.

"Awe, are you shy?"

"Shut up." I mutter.

He pulled one of his hands up and uses it to turn my face back to looking at him, smiling at me.

"That's cute."


958 words, idk how I feel about this chapter lol. I'm currently listening to Lana Del Ray and OMFG she's incredible.
With love,

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