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Tbh I'm not really sure how I'm gonna continue this story so enjoy ig
Also, all of these author notes at the beginning of chapters are (mostly) stuff I write when I start a chapter and the ones at the end are for when I'm done with the book.

Die For You- The Weeknd

"Asher why'd you stop singing?" Xae asked.

"Uhm, sorry, I just thought I saw something." I responded knowing I'm a shit liar.

Xae eyed me skeptically for a moment before sighing and dropping it, "Oh! Looks like we're here!"

I looked out the window to see an overwhelmingly large 2 story mall. My eyes widened as I took it in, the initial anxiety shortly being replaced by excitement.

"Holy shit! It's like, huge, what the hell." I exclaimed as I heard Tristan and Xae laugh at my child-likeness.

I felt Tristan's hand squeeze my thigh at that and I blushed, realizing how borderline sexual it kinda sounded. His smirk was quickly cut short by a sharp elbow in his side, delivered by yours truly.

"Come on, let's gooo." Xae whined, impatiently unbuckling their seatbelt.

With one final pat on my leg, Tristan retreated his hand and unlocked the doors, letting Xae and I out.

"Finally, I've been wanting to show Asher around for like forever." Xae exclaimed, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me away from Tristan and his car.

Suddenly, Xae learned forward to whisper in my ear, "You do know you two are really obvious, right?"

I instantly got flustered and jumped away, "No, we're not!"

"See! And I didn't even say a name and you instantly thought about Tristan."

"Well who else would I think of!"

"Exactly. You are soooo dumb."

"Oh my god just shut up, don't you want to show me around?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yea! I kinda forgot to be honest." Xae grabbed my arm, again, and yanked me inside, stopping at every store and spending forever and a day in each.

Hi guys, author here, I'm not good at writing about malls and stuff so I'm probably just gonna do a time jump here and call it good. Sorry to any die hard fans that were praying for mall scenes but it just didn't work.

Also, I got my chromebook back so now I can write better and (hopefully) update this story faster.

We finally (accent on the finally) left and we had several new bags of clothing, most for Xae even though we technically went shopping for me.

"Oh god, I'm so excited to get home and pass out in bed." I complained loudly as soon as we got in the car.

I heard Tristan absentmindedly whisper while starting the car, "Me too Asher, me too."

That's cute- shut the fuck up god damn stupid ass brain. I thought, mentally arguing with myself as always.

We were driving again, finally. I let out a sigh of relief as we made our way back, the sky dark. Around thirty minutes later Tristan parked the car in the garage and we got out to start unloading everything.

As usual, Xae barely helped us with anything and went off to do their own thing. I glared at them as they left me alone with Tristan and they smirked at me. THEY FUCKING SMIRKED AT ME. Instantly my middle finger went up in their direction and they gasped dramatically, strutting away to go presumably pout.

I turned back to get more bags out of the trunk, and unfortunately the last one was wedged far back in it. Sighing, I bent over and stretched my arm to reach it, my other arm propped up on my elbow to steady me.

"Well, don't you look all cute like that, bent over and shit."

I jumped slightly at his voice and hurriedly grabbed the bag to stand up all the way and face him, the blush very much evident on my cheeks.

"Awe, did I make you blush? That just makes you even cuter Asher."

"Just.. Just shut up." I mumbled.

"Huh, what was that? I couldn't hear you cause you mumbled."

"I said shut up." This time I said it somewhat louder, knowing he could most certainly hear it.

"Now that's no way to talk to me." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The fuck do you think you are? Some fucking authority or some shit? Last I checked we pretty much have no relationship with each other other than being my best friend's brother"

"You're my sibling's cute little best friend, who I constantly think about even though I probably shouldn't. Always on my fucking mind with that cute fucking face of yours, and your stubborn personality, which is clearly not how you actually want to act around me," he said, looking me up and down, analyzing my obviously shy stance and the blush on my face, "But you know what else I'm always thinking about?"

I tilted my head almost involuntarily in response, knowing it was a rhetorical question and that he would answer it anyway.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Your fucking body and every single thing I want to do with it."

I shuddered and looked up at him, directly in his eyes. His eyes were dark, lustful. I don't know what mine portrayed but it was enough to send him over the edge. His hands instantly fitted around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I loosely wrapped my arms around the back of his neck as I pulled him to me. He looked at me again, as if to ask for permission and I simply nodded.

His lips came in contact with mine.

Woooooo!!!! 914 words🥳 How do we feelllll?? Personally this is my favorite chapter so far and we finally got a kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun to write this even though it was kinda a filler chapter lol, thanks for reading

Love y'all


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