Want Me

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They say, "the purpose of our lives is to be happy."

That was something that I knew was to good to be true. At least I thought that from the way I was living.

My life has and always will be a living hell. Ever since I was a little girl, I've been told those very words my whole life, but look at me now. I'm nearly 19 and nothing in my life had ever changed to make me happy.

I've been hurt mentally, emotionally and physically. I've been abused, assaulted in all ways, manipulated and tormented.

There's no way to fix it...

...Fix any of this.

I've grown to become who I am.

...It's just who I am, and it will always be who I am.

I was always a "daddy's little girl," but that soon changed.

It changed when he changed on me. Turned on me and did the worse.

The worse I couldn't and would never imagine.

Hurt me in every way.

"Why me?" Was what I always said to myself, but my conscience would never speak to me and give me the right answer.

Maybe deep down it was just as curious as I was.

Just as afraid as I was.


It wasn't long before we made it home. As soon as we came to a stop at my house and the care engine turned off, I made my way out of the car quickly and went inside.

Closing the door behind me but it seemed to not have closed as it swung open, I figured that he was behind me.

Without turning to face his now
dark beautiful eyes, I continue walking until I make my way up the stairs and into my room.

I could feel his eyes burning in the back of my head, straight through my scalp, right to my scull, burning my brain.

That's how strong his stare was, I dared not to look at him as I made my way to my room.

I knew sooner or later I would have to face my fear and talk to him, but not now, but I didn't really understand why he was so upset about me talking to another boy that's not him nor Malik, if anything I was proud of myself.

Proud that I got to talk to a boy without freaking out, although it was really with just Marcos.

As sooner or later became him bursting in my room five seconds later of me coming in here, as I tried to avoid him, his stare was a stare I wish to never see in my life again, although it was the first time ever seeing it.

He walks towards me as he kept his hands in his pocket not breaking eye contact.

"How dare you?" He stated as it seemed more cold and demand than anything.

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