Chapter 4

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE* again guys I'm so sorry for not posting in like forever. I'll try to be better about it. Please keep reading and commenting😊

{Reid's POV} I just stared.

There she was. It was really her. Right through the glass of the interrogation room at the BAU.

She had changed. Her hair has changed. She'd lost weight. She looked... different. Scared.

I took time to notice every little thing that she did. All her little nervous habits that she didn't have 6 months ago. She flicked at this ponytail holder around her wrist. She shook her right leg vigorously under the table. She failed to make eye contact with Derek as he leaned over the table questioning her.

She never answered.

He fired question after question after question at her and still she refused to talk. Had she become a mute? What had happened to her that I didn't know? What had I missed?

I wondered if she'd been hurt. Or was hurting. Did somebody else hurt her? Internally I swore that if someone had I'd murder them. Even if it was the last thing I ever did for her.

Suddenly Derek stood up and walked out, just just plain frustrated.

"She's not saying a word Hotch." He told Aaron. "She's being pretty damn stubborn..."

"Calm down Morgan. We have no idea what's happened in the past 6 months. Anything could've happened." Hotch answered

"I am calm. I want to know what's wrong with her just as much as Reid probably does" he said pointing towards me. "I just want to help her get better."

"Well we'll have to try some-"Hotch began...

"Can I try and talk to her now?" I asked meekly.

As soon as I saw her I had wanted to talk to her but I had been refused. Hotch didn't even want her to see me until they figured out what was going on. It seemed obvious now that the only way we'd find it was if I talked to her...

*sighs* "fine I guess it's the only way.." Hotch reluctantly agreed. I almost kept from my chair out of excitement. "Woah woah woah calm down boy! You need to be careful alright? She could be seriously hurt."

"I know I know Hotch I will" I replied. I walked into the room.

Her once blue eyes glanced up at me. Almost as soon as they did they looked directly back at her feet. She flicked at her ponytail more than ever now. Her leg shook so hard that it thumped the bottom of the table. She looked even more scared, but at the same time I could tell she wanted to say something. It broke my heart to see her this way.


"I'm sorry Spence..."

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