Chapter 2

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{JJ's POV} I stared long and hard at the image I saw in the mirror. My heart screamed "This isn't you!" but my head countered with "It's a damn mirror you dingus!"

The woman in the mirror definitely was not the same Jennifer Jareau that flourished 6 months ago with her family and job. That Jennifer had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a loving heart that trusted many. This Jennifer had hastily chopped off, dark brown hair, emerald green contacts, and a shattered heart. She couldn't trust a soul. Not one.

I had to do what I did. I couldn't live with it. The letters. The texts. The calls.

The threats.

Yes, someone was stalking me. Someone wanted me for God knows what exactly, but the point was someone was after me. I ran to protect not only myself, but my family. I ditched my phone, wallet, and wedding ring too. Everything that could possibly help whoever was after me find me was left behind.

I peeked out the curtains and looked down on DC. I ran, but I refused to go far. I still wanted to watch over my loved ones and I did. After all, I still had the skills of an agent. Of course they were okay. They were grieving but okay.

Do I miss them? Of course. Will I go back? Not as long as there's still a mad man after me.

I sighed. I had to run errands. I had to feed myself and clothe myself, but I hated exposing myself. I fear that I'm still being watched, even if the messages have quit.

I grabbed my hoodie and handbag and headed for the door of the small ass apartment I was renting. I glanced back at the solitary room before shutting and locking the door. I kept my head down as I walked towards the elevator. When the doors opened, I sighed in relief as I found it empty and stepped on.


I was confused for a moment. The elevator stopped before its destination. Then I realized someone was getting on. I moved my eyes just enough to to see who was entering the compact space, but kept my head low enough that they wouldn't see me.

I inhaled sharply as the figure walked in the elevator. I almost didn't believe my eyes as I took in the built figure wearing a pistol at his hip. I kept my head extra low then... I didn't want him to know who I was.


Once again, it stopped one floor from the level "L" which stood for lobby.

"Damn it..." I muttered to myself as I realized that we were stuck. I pretended to be searching for something in my purse to avoid social contact with the tall agent next to me. He could ruin everything I've worked so hard at for the past half a year. He could blow my cover.

The purse slipped off my shoulder suddenly. With a dreading crash in the stiffening silence of the elevator, the Coach purse fell to the ground.

"Here let me help," the man offered as he bent down beside me. I frantically started grabbing objects and shoved them back in the bag as he tried to help. I shoved him away, but he was persistent. I grabbed some lip gloss, gloves, the small coin purse containing the little money I had, and some... Um.. Lady products... I finished grabbing things and took what he had picked up from him and stood up and brushed myself off. From the floor, he looked up and saw my face.

Slowly, he rose. He placed his hand under my chin and lifted it gently to eye level. I saw the recognition in his chocolate eyes and knew it was over.

"JJ?!" He recoiled in shock...

Bad BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora