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** warning! mature content ahead **

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"How're you so bad at this Y/N?"

It had all gone how I had hoped it would. Clay was thrilled to see me and I was him. Though we had lost track of time, as it was now nine-thirty pm and getting dark outside, I hadn't even noticed the fact that we were both sitting at his desk playing Ultimate Chicken Horse.

"Hey— I don't dedicate my life to video games or whatever." I groaned as I had died and watched Clay win, again.

He hummed in satisfaction leaning back in his chair, turning to face and stare. "Even babies are better than you."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, okay, sure." I divert my eyes to the window which is just next to his setup and instantly freeze. "Is it seriously already dark out?"

Clay hummed, continuing to stare at me. "Yeah, has been for a while."

I look at him. "And you didn't think to say anything?"

"Well, you didn't say you had a curfew." He reasons, turning off his pc.

"Because I don't," I grumble.

"Then I don't see the problem?" He says, knowing damn well how irritating he's being.

"The problem is it's a two-hour drive back," I tell him, standing up from the chair I had been lent. "I'm tired as fuck Clay. I won't be able to drive for that long."

"Then I'll drive you," he states, but I shake my head no.

"What? so you want me to just leave my car here? And are you not tired yourself? Plus, all together that's a four-hour drive."

"Dumbass, I'll take your car." he chuckles.

I purse my lips in response. "It's a long drive, plus hiw will you get back home?"

He clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. "I don't care how long it takes. Maybe I'll stop at a seven-eleven, or Publix or something. I need to stock up on groceries anyway. And I'll just get a cab home."

I stare at him, and he stares back. I sigh and stand up abruptly, causing him to jump ever so slightly as I catch him off guard.

"If you crash my car, you're paying for both mine and the cars damages," I say, swiping the bag I had brought with me, which lay on the side of Clay's desk.

He laughs, standing up next to me. "Okay sure."

I look through my bag, rummaging through its content until I come across the keys. I take them out and extend my arm with an open hand towards him. He reaches out and grabs them. But as he does, his fingertips graze my palm and I feel a static shock through my hand. We both wince as our hands are pulled back from each other quickly.

"What the... did you feel that?" He asks, giving his hand a little shake, looking at me.

"Yeah..." I breathe deeply, looking back at him, my breath hitching in my throat as it almost seemed too loud to breathe in the long silence that had been created. My heart was palpitating in my chest, a lump forming in my throat as it felt like I was being strangled, a feeling I had never really felt before. I blinked at him, expecting him to say something or laugh or make a joke, but nothing came from his mouth. So, shoving both my hands in my pockets, I spoke up instead. "Um, we should go before it gets any later."

"Right, yeah." He clears his throat, taking the first step towards his bedroom door, taking one of the jackets that hang on the back of it and slinging it over his shoulders.

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