Prologue (5)

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"Who saved you?" asked Langley.

"A woman," said the girl. "You see, these men were going to hurt me. I thought I was going to die, sir. I know what those men who took me were trying to do. And I know why the man on the bed was naked. Ain't stupid and ain't a kid anymore. I was expecting my body to be ripped open."

"Yet it was theirs that ripped open," said Langley. Against his will, he reimagined the crime scene in 412. He felt like throwing up again. "You're saying this woman did that to them? No way a woman could slaughter three grown men!"

"And yet here we are," said the girl. "She saved me from getting hurt. She saved me from that disgusting man about to stick his dick inside me. I wasn't scared of her. And no, I didn't feel bad when I left the room as those men were being devoured behind me. They deserved it and much more."

"That, I agree with. Can you describe this woman? Did you see her at the hotel before... the slaughterings?"

Peace had overtaken the trauma on the girl's face, her shoulders slowly relaxing at the thought of the question. She answered: "She was an angel. A literal angel."

"We're gonna need to talk to this woman, darlin'." said Langley. "You know. To thank her for the heroism she displayed up there." He sensed a tone of sarcasm in his voice which the girl cleverly recognized. He continued, "I see what you mean, what with her being an angel and all. But if you could give me details of what she looks like so we can find her, that would be very helpful to everyone."

"I told you," she was beginning to get agitated. "She was literally an angel. Everything happened so fast. She came out of nowhere. I couldn't see her face but... she is an angel and you don't believe me."

"Don't worry about the face," said Marie. "Can you tell us anything else about her?"

The girl shook her head. "Do neither of you know what angels look like?"

Langley exerted a sigh of relief as he spotted the medical examiner's van pulling in between the sweet acacia trees. The relief quickly ended when he saw local channel news 9 shadowing behind the ME's van like a savage dog hungry for its next tabloid piece. 

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