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Johnny's pov

I saw Winona get into her car. She was still as beautiful as last time I saw her. I went straight home to change into something a little more formal. I wore I suit with a button up shirt and some jewelry.
  I made it there and saw Helena,jamie,and Christina already there. "Oh my god!" Jamie shouted "I JUST WITNESSED JOHNNY DEPP GETTING SOMEWHERE..... ON TIME!"Jamie said sarcastically. Everyone laughed including me.

"Well let's wait inside for the others."
Tim said

"Johnny... how do you manage to be so late all the time." Cristina laughed.

"Truthfully, I don't know." I laughed

"Hi!" I heard from behind me

I turned around and saw Winona wearing the most beautiful silky blue dress, beautiful diamond earrings, and matching blue heels. Looking her up and down as she walked to a seat across from me. We locked eyes for a couple of seconds before she looked away smirking.

"So I would like to know you guys personally."Tim said

" favorite movie you've been in? Go." Tim asked nobody in particular.

"Uhh,mermaids!" Christian said.

"I loved that one." Winona said. I looked up at her. She's so beautiful.

"For me easily Sweeny Todd." Jamie said looking at Helena then me.

"Uhh, Beetlejuice."Michael said

"You know 55 steps was heartbreaking but that one." Helena said

" oh my God don't even that movie ruined me!" Cristina said

"For me it would be um what's it called nick of time, that one was crazy." Christopher said

"The quite place."Emily said

"Girl interrupted."Winona said looking at me as I was the last to answer.

"Uhh, I don't I like them all."I said

"Just pick one!" Christopher laughed

"Um blow." I said looking around.

"Oh with Penelope!" Cristina said.

"Ok next!" Tim shouted

"What?" I asked

"Jamie Winona, how stranger things going?" Tim asked everyone looked at them
"Oh its great!" Winona said
"Everyone in the cast is so sweet." Jamie said

"That's great."

Tim asked more questions as everyone ate. "OH this is important, like very. So in the script a part we had go to yet, we would need to travel, so we will film half the movie here and the next half in the uk." Tim said randomly, everyone looked at him confused "I know this was on short notice but I had to change somethings in the script. I hope you will all be able to go." Every was able to go so Tim didn't have to worry. Everyone was ready to go home. I looked at Winona, she was looking at someone else but her smile was so beautiful. She is so beautiful. She looked busy so I left without say good bye.

We would start filming tomorrow. I was shocked when I found out I'd be working with Winona again. I decided to do as much as I can I would be going back to court with the my ex. But next next week would be the last week. Those I won't be able to attend because I would be in the uk filming.

I yawned as I woke up. I went to take a shower, brush my teeth, hair. Then I went down stairs to get coffee before looking at my phone seeing to time. "SHIT!" I yelled out loud. "GOD DAMMIT!" I yelled running out to door getting in my car. I was late. For the past two days I was up early, I don't know what happened. I got out my car rushing into set.

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