head lines

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    Winonas pov

Johnny depp seen with famous ex girlfriend Winona ryder.

Johnny and Winona seen together after many years

Are Johnny depp and Winona ryder back together?

  WHAT THE FUCK!?! Are you serious.
"Michelle?!" I said almost yelling into my phone."WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE??"

"I don't know someone must have seen you too together? I really don't know. I'm talking to someone who's working on getting them taken down."

"Ok tell me when it's all taken care of." I said frustrated. I hate paparazzi.

I got ready, and headed to work. I was a little late but not a lot. "YEAHHH!!!" cheering started when I walked in. I was shocked. "This isn't funny." I laughed walking towards everyone. "It was just a friendly dinner." I said put my stuff down. "So friendly, she's late!" Jamie whispered to Helena. "HAHAHA! I'm sorry Winona but that was just-" Helena said walking away. "Stop you perverts! I just woke up late."

" right! .... in his house." Jamie said

" my god!" I said walking away.
"JOHNNY DEPP THE ONE AND ONLY!" Everyone clapped as he walked in. He stop once saw they clapping. He looked so confused, it was kind of adorable. "What's going on?" He said slowly as he went up to everyone. "Oh nothing, just that, you know I was right!" Jamie said when he showed him head lines. "Damn it I really can't have a personal life." He said looking up. They were all looking up at him with a smirk. "What..."

"Oh Jesus man! get your head out the gutter!" He said "it was just dinner!" He said. "Ok..."Jamie said walking away. "I still have hopes!" He shouted. I was sitting down on set then my phone started to ring. It was david.

"Huh?"I said
"Winona you know what! THE HEADLINES!"
"Half of the u.s has probably seen them. How did it go."
"It was just dinner david."
"YES but how did it go?? Was it awkward.." he asked

" no it was OK, it was fun."
"I'm glad it was fun Winona. Bye love you, have a good rest of your day!" David said
" I love you too, bye I have to go." I said before hanging up. I walked to my trailer to go over some lines. "Winona?" David knocked at the door. I got up confused. "David? What are you doing here?"I asked letting him in.
"Well I thought I'd just stop by and say hello to everyone." He said giving me a hug. We talked awhile, then went to set the say hi.
"Who is your new friend winona." Christopher asked.
"Guys this is david my friend, he wanted to just say hi."
"Nice to meet you."Jamie said shaking David's hand.
"Hi, im Helena." She said reaching her hand out
"YES I've heard alot about you."david said shaking her hand. David already met everyone, but johnny.
"Do you guys know where johnny is?"I asked looking around.
"Uh, I think he's over there." Cristina said pointing at a table. My heart still racing everytime I see him. We started walking to him. "HI, I'm david is great to finally meet you!" David said shaking Johnny's hand. " oh hello, I'm johnny. Nice to meet you too."
They laughed an talked for a while before johnny got called to set. "It was nice seeing you david." I said hugging him. "Nice seeing you too." He walked away out to his car and I went to set. This was our last scene before we go to the uk. Basically it was just a parting scene with me and johnny, my character left him. I understood why we had to go to the uk.

"CUT! Truly you two work so good together." Time said which made me turn my attention back to johnny, I smiled at him. Me and johnny walked off set together. " i still can't believe you have to go back tomorrow." I said placing me hand on his shoulder. He looked at me. "Yeah, I wish a didn't but I'll be back next week."
We talked for a bit about the movie and wanting to go to the uk. "Hey guys, I wanted to host a little dinner party for the cast before you leave, would you like to come?" Christopher asked. "Huh? Oh um sure, what time." I asked
"Uh around 7."
"Great, well be there." Winona said with a great smile on her face.
"Great!see you guys then."
"Well I better go then, wouldn't want to be late." I said grabbing my stuff
"Ok bye johnny."Winona said giggling. I give her a friendly kiss on the cheek and left to my trailer to pick up some things there. When I got in my car, immediately smiling, why? Why ? Why did the media break us up? Images and memories flooding back.

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