C H A P T E R 6

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As Greyson is still sitting outside waiting for his girl to wake up Rick walks out and sits down beside him. Greyson turned and gave Rick a nod. Rick doesn't say anything as they both just stare into the night. Rick finally clears his throat getting the young man's attention.

"What's going on with you and my daughter?" Rick asked Greyson. He looks down and smiles trying to hide the smile.

"Your daughter and I have been together since the CDC. I wanted to ask your permission to date her but it all happened so fast. I'm sorry for that sir. I really like her. Hell I maybe even love her. I hope that one day I will be able to tell her that. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. I want to be with her." Greyson tells the sheriff. Rick nods his head.

"Even though you didn't ask me, I give you permission to be with my daughter I see the way you look at her. You look at her the way I used to look at Lori in highschool. Just don't break her heart. She is going to need you in the world. If something was to happen to me her mother, or her brother she will need you. I'm glad that she has you. Please take care of her" Rick told Greyson and stood up. He patted Greyson on the back. Greyson stood up as well and shook his hand.

"I will sir. She really does mean a lot to me" Greyson tells him with a smile on his face.

As they are still standing on the porch Lori comes out and says that she is awake. Greyson looks at Rick.

"Can I go see Bailey" he asks Lori and Rick. They both nod their heads and he quickly walks in and see Bailey laying there. He walks up to her and grabs her hand.

"I'm sorry this happened to you baby" Greyson tells Bailey. She looks at him and giggles a bit.

"It was either me or my little brother. I would rather it be me than him." Bailey says with a small smile.

"Yeah I guess I would do the same thing for my brothers" Greyson tells her. She laughs a bit and holds her stomach.

"The deer was beautiful tho-" Bailey tries to say but she starts seizing. Rick and Lori are quick to sit by Bailey.

"What's wrong with her! What happened!'' Lori asks Hershel when he rushes into the room.

"She is having a sezuire" Rick tries to hold her but Hershel quickly stops him. "no no don't hold her down. You could hurt her" Rick then stops and looks at his little girl laying there after she stops seizing.

Soon after that Shane pulls back in and Otis the man that helped him wasn't with him. Greyson looked at Shane skeptical because he knew what he was saying was bullshit but he wasnt going to say anything. The group would figure it out. Shane has been going crazy since the CDC. Everyone in the group knew that he and Lori were messing around. They would always go off with each other thinking that they were being being discrete. But in all reality they weren't.

Hershel quickly got to work on Bailey and about an hour later he comes out and says that she is out of the woods. That she just needs much needed rest. Greyson felt as if something was lifted off his body hoping and praying that his girl was okay.

When they were finally allowed to go see her they felt relief as well. Rick and Lori went in first to see her along with Carl. Not five minutes later Carl walks out of the house where Greyson was standing.

"Do you like my sister" he asked Greyson. The young man let our a chuckle and looked down at the young boy and smiles.

"Yes I do little man. You have a great sister" Greyson tells the young boy. Carl nods his head and smiles as well.

"I remember before the world to what it is, she was always there for me. She was there for me when our dad got shot. I remember uncle Shane picked her up from school and brought her to the hospital. I remember her being brave for me and mom. Bailey was there all the time at the hospital. She would spend hours after school. Even though she was really tired coming home she would always help me with my homework." He tells Greyson with a smile. Carl then looked at Greyson and said something that he never thought he would say.

"I like you Greyson I never thought my sister would find someone as amazing as you. I'm glad that she has you" Greyson nods his and chuckles.

"I'm glad I have your sister too" he tells the young boy.

Lori comes out of the house and looks at Greyson. "She is asking for you. You can go see her if you want to" Greyson looks at Lori and nods his head. He walks into see his girl laying on the bed.

"You scared the shit out of me. Try not to get shot again." Greyson tells his girlfriend teasingly. She laughs a little.

"I'm sorry I scared you. Can you lay with me." She asks him and he nods his head. Greyson lays down in the bed beside her. He carefully wraps his arms around her.

"I'm glad your okay baby. I need you in my life" Greyson tells her and she turns her head to look at him. She smiles and grabs his face pulling him into a kiss. The kiss was sweet and passionate. Before he pulled away he pecks her lips a few more times.

Not long after the kiss Bailey falls asleep. Greyson didn't want to move so he fell asleep beside her. He knew that his girl was going to be okay. He knew that she would have plenty of time to recover. And he wanted to be there for her every step of the way. He knew that he wanted her for the rest of his life.

Lori and Rick come back in to check on Bailey but when they walked in they saw Greyson laying in the bed beside her with his arms wrapped around her waste.

"I'm not sure how I feel about my little girl having a boyfriend." Rick tells Lori making her laugh a little.

"She is growing up. There isn't much that we can do about it. Honey, if she is happy then I am too" Lori tells Rick before she drags him out of the room and into the living room.

They knew that there little girl was going to be okay. They knew that no matter what happened that Greyson was going to be there to take care of her. Hershel comes into the living room.

"You know I got all the fragments out. She is going to be okay. She is a tough girl. She reminds me a lot of Maggie when she was younger. I did everything that I could possibly do. She will be fine." Hershel tells Rick and Lori. They both nod their heads.

"Thank you for helping my little girl" Lori tells him with a smile. Hershel nods his head and walks off. Lori looks at Rick and gives him a kiss and pulls him into a hug.

Lori was telling the story of how Bailey and Carl wanted to give him blood when he was in the hospital. That was the first time he had heard about. He knew that his kids were brave and he would do anything for them including Lori. He loved all of them more than anything. Carl is sleeping on the couch. He didn't want to go outside and leave his sister in the house. He was used to sleeping with her back at the camp. The night at the CDC he slept with his parents.

Carl knew now that Bailey was with Greyson that they wouldn't share a tent anymore. He knew when she recovered she would probably sleep with Greyson. Carl really liked Greyson and he knew that he was good enough for his sister. Carl really hoped that they would find Sophia. He missed her. Sophia was his best friend. And still is if she were still alive.


I know that I haven't updated in a while. I really hope that you enjoy this book. I will update again here soon. Its just hard because I am working on other books as well.

Let me know what you think.

Like and comment please.

- Kaitlyn

Daryl's younger brotherWhere stories live. Discover now