C H A P T E R 7

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Over the next few days Bailey began to feel better. She was still having to take things easily but she was finally able to take a shower. Maggie is a girl that lives on the farm, has taken a like into her. Bailey and Beth have become really close friends.

The group was still looking for Sophia. Carl is upset knowing that his friend could either still be out there or she was a walker. He didn't want that for his best friend. As for Bailey she hated seeing her little brother upset.

Bailey was laying in the bed when she heard someone walk into the room she looks up and sees her mom bringing her fresh clothes.

"You can take a shower. Do you need help?" Lori asks her daughter. Bailey nods her head yes and walks out. She noticed that her mother had her favorite outfit. Her Nike hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans. The clothes that she had when she got shot.

"Did you wash them for me?" Bailey asks looking at the clothes in her mother's hands. Lori nods her head and smiles.

"Come on let's get you a shower and we can change the bandage. Hershel said that you could go outside if you wanted to" Bailey quickly smiles and Lori helps her into the bathroom.

Once Bailey is done showering. Lori helps her put her clothes on because she can really move around that much. If she was to move the wrong way in the shower it would hurt her. Once Baileys hoodie is on Hershel comes to look at her wound. He grabs her a new bandage and covers it up.

"It's healing like it should. I'm sure your mom told you young lady you can go outside. But I would prefer you to stay in the house for a few more nights. Just so you can heal properly." Hershel tells Bailey and she nods her head and smiles.

As Lori is helping Bailey outside she sees Carl running up to them.

"Bailey! Your outside!" Carl says getting excited. Bailey carefully wraps her arms around her little brother. Carl is careful when he hugs his sister.

"Your going to like it here. There is a lot of land." Carl says excitedly. Bailey smiles looking down at Carl. She then starts looking around for Greyson. When she doesn't see him she looks at her mother.

"Where is Greyson" she asked her mom. Lori looks around and doesn't see him as well. Then she remembers where he went.

"He went with Daryl to look for Sophia. They have been gone since last night. They should be getting back soon." Bailey nods her head in understanding.

"I'm going to find your father. Walk around with Carl" Lori tells her children. They both nod their heads and head into the opposite direction of Lori.

As they are walking around Bailey can't help but admire the scenery of this place. It's a beautiful farm. Carl is dragging his older sister all over the place trying to show her around and pointing out to different things. As Bailey and Carl are walking towards the house they both hear someone behind them. They turn around and come face to face with Greyson. 

Greyson gives Bailey a gentle hug. Carl looks up and smiles at the couple. Carl is glad that his sister has found someone that he knows that will take care of her. Greyson pulls away from Bailey and grabs her hand. They walk back to the house and once they get to the porch they sit down on the steps. 

"Are you feeling better beautiful" Greyson asks her as he rubs his thumb up and down her own. She nods her head and looks up as her little brother runs off. She smiles as she thinks of how he likes it here. The only thing that she wished is that this place could become permanent, but she knows that if the group stays in one place, they can get overrun by the walkers. Like it did at the quarry.

When they got to the CDC the group thought they had a fighting chance there but everything got ruined. Like the same with the highway when all those walkers came out of nowhere. To when Sophia ran off because the walkers were chasing her. Rick went after her. Everything that has happened Bailey only assumes that it is only going to get worse. 

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