C H A P T E R 11

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After everything that happened to Bailey and the wreck. Hershel checked her and the baby. The baby was okay, but she just had to be more careful. A boy that they had saved was locked up in the barn and Greyson didn't want Bailey going nowhere near there. Shane was still being an ass. Rick had finally found out about the baby and at first, he wasn't too happy about Bailey being pregnant. Everyone had also found out that Lori was pregnant as well. Greyson has become overprotective of her way more. They have talked a lot more and now they seem to be back to normal.

As Bailey and Greyson are laying in the tent, she turns to look at him and smiles. She has moved back into his tent with him. He didn't want to be away from her anymore and she didn't want to be away from him either. He slowly rubs his thumb up and down her belly. Ever since she thought that she had lost the baby she is a whole lot more careful than anything because she didn't want nothing to happen to the baby. Greyson didn't either.

"How's our little gremlin doing" Greyson as he kisses Bailey stomach. She isn't showing yet, but this is the first time Greyson actually talked to her stomach.

"I think he is good. What do you want a boy or girl?" Bailey asks him. He looks up at her and smiles.

"I would like a boy but as long as it's healthy I am fine with whatever" Greyson tells Bailey with a smile. She giggles as he puts his hand on her stomach and kisses it.

"Greyson?" she says getting his attention he looks up at her because he is still kissing her stomach.

"Hmm" he questions her as he still looking at her. She looks down nervously and she tries to find the right words to actually ask him.

"When you told me that you loved me, did you mean it?" she questions him, and he quickly pulls her chin up to make her look at him.

"Yes baby, more than anything. You are the only person that I want for the rest of my life. You are my life and when little gremlin is born, I will love and cherish you both for the rest of your life. Baby before I met you, I had a fucked-up life, I didn't think that when the world ended that I would find the love of my life. Yes, I have had girlfriends in the past, but baby trust me when I tell you they didn't mean shit to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want to be the one to make you happy and I am going to do my best making sure that you are safe. So, Bailey when I tell you that I love you I mean it. So, Bailey Grimes, I love you so much baby" he tells her and when he finishes, she has tears in her eyes.

"I love you Greyson Dixon!" Bailey tells him pulling him down to kiss her. He cups her face and pulls her closer to him and she smiles into the kiss. He starts kissing all over her face making her giggle.

She pushes him back and he stops and smiles down at her and gives her more kiss. Bailey and Greyson knew that they loved each other so much that no one could ever come in between them. That much they knew.

Who knew you could find love when the apocalypse starts? Well, they believe that everything is possible. The love between couldn't be broken no matter how hard someone tried. They continue to lay there in each other's arms and Bailey cuddles more to him knowing that they have to get up soon. The sun was already peeking through the top of the tent.

Greyson carefully moves Bailey off of him and gets up. She whimpers at the loss of his touch and tries to make grabby arms to him, and he shakes his head no. She slowly gets up and pulls on some different pants and she grabs a random short sleeve shirt and puts it on. She then pulls on her boots and gets up. Before she can walk out Greyson pulls her into a quick but passionate kiss. She pulls away and opens the tent and climbs out carefully. She walks towards the rest of the camp and sits beside her mother and little brother.

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