Prologue: A Mumrik And Their Horse

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(Im sorry i haven't been writing recently in general but I've been shot with the inspiration fairy to do something fun and with an original plot but the hyper fixation fairy shot me with Moomin vally. And so I finally make an x reader where it doesn't follow the episodes of the show and I'm just sorta winging it. I hope you all enjoy)

Y/N (Your name)

H/C (hair color)

E/C (eye color)

F/C (Favorite color)

2F/C ( second favorite color)

2F/C ( second favorite color)

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Through the woods the clip clop of hooves were heard against the hard path of dirt and the strumming of a banjo rung through the air. Those hooves belonged to the steed of a brave adventurer who had traveled to distant lands. And the trumming ad also belonged to our dear adventurer, Y/N.

Y/N is a Mumrik. A type of troll that bares similarities to Mymbles,  which in turn look a lot like humans. But what mainly sets a Mumrik apart from Mymbles, Humans, or any other critter that looks like them is their long tail with a fluffy tuft fur at the end that matches their hair. (Which i'm aware isn't a canon thing but I am partial to tails). But I guess that difference could also be a similarity to other creatures that don't particularly look like them, such as moomins!

But let's move from Y/N's species to their actual appearance. They had short fluffy (H/C) hair that could never be tamed hidden under a straw hat with a (F/C) bow on it, not to look feminine but just because they thought it looked pretty. Their eyes were like two E/C rubies and/ or sapphires that had no thought behind them. (fun fact: they're the same mineral but given separate names due to the color difference and rubies/ sapphires can come in a wide array of colors) Often times they donned a long (F/C) cloak that covered everything below their neck except their boots. To be honest the cloak looked more like a glorified small blanket being held up by a (2F/C) ribbon tied in a nice big bow but it does it's job. Now of course they wore clothes underneath the cloak but I shall leave that to the fashionable imaginations of my dear readers.

Now for their trust steed. He was a horse named Orb. He was named that because when Y/N found him he was licking a magical red orb that he had mistaken for a shiny juicy apple. But instead of eating a nice sweet treat he instead was granted the gift of speech. That's right folks, this majestic specimen can talk (He sounds like Rhett McLaughlin because he has a nice voice). And even better, he can sing as well.

The two friends have traveled many places together with no intention of making a permanent home other than the tents and trees they sleep under. They also have no goals in mind for their future other than to follow the the compass that resides inside their hearts that lead them to new friendships that shant outlast the special bond between Mumrik and talking equine.


After a week of travel from the previous town they were at the two started to feel a temperature change as they headed up the path North. "Brr it's gettin' cold out here ain't it?" Orb pointed out." As they kept moving it had started snowing and at that time Y/N had to decided to give him a sarcastic response "Gee is it really? I hadn't noticed. What an astute Orb-servation my hooved friend."

"Yes! and it's getting even colder by the minute. I honestly don't understand how y'all can stand it even though I'm the one with more fur" He huffed out. "Well you can't both be a naturist and be warm in winter. Everytime I offer to get you some sort of horse coat you always whine about restricting clothes are and that at most you'll wear a saddle and saddle bag like all the wild and free horses."

That shut him up real fast. The farther they headed up north the more dense the snow got. It looked beautiful. soft and fluffy like a cloud but with a satisfying crunch with each step. The snow glittered under the sunlight on the few times it came out like a pile of diamonds. In a sense these ice crystals were a treasure like diamonds as well. They may not have any monetary value but the beauty and intricate shapes made each individual snowflake a rare treasure you'll never see again as no two snowflakes are the same. On top of that what could be considered treasure could be subjective. One horse's snow is another Mumrik treasure.

As the flurry of snow died down they could see their path more clearly. "From what I can see up ahead we're finally going to get out of these woods for a bit. But I wonder what lies on the other side of these trees. Worse case scenario would be a gulch with a broken end leading us to a dead end so be careful when we get up there, just in case."

Thankfully when they got to the end of the forest it wasn't a gulch or anything that resembles it at all. Y/N would consider this new place a best case scenario as it was a big beautiful that was coated in a blanket of fluffy sparkly snow. The two wandered around in awe. "You know if we stick around for springtime I bet this place would be covered in beautiful flowers. Delicious beautiful flowers. Like daisies and bluebells."

"You make an excellent point, Orb. I'm glad we're on the same page. And judging by the lack of people I think whoever lives here hibernates which means we could easily get down to some Tomfoolery. Oh and with all this snow I could build a nice cozy igloo we could stay in. As much as I love this old tent of ours it can get boring after a while." And so the Mumrik and their horse had decided on staying in the calm and collected Moomin Vally.


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