Chapter 1: Heya Blondie

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(Its too-ticky's for she is a very underrated character.)


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"All right Orb I think the first thing to do is to explore every available nook and cranny of this place. Then we can map it out in our minds so we'll remember all the best places. The next thing we'll do is something you'll really like. We're going to steal some signs because I absolutely hate them. How are we supposed to be wild and free beings with all these rules? On top of that I know how much you love stealing. Afterwards we shall burn all those signs. They will make great for a campfire were we can cook dinner over. I also just enjoy the mesmerising dance of the warm golden flame." Y/N had everything planned out for their days in this valley.

"Stealing and Arson?! Well I guess there's no one awake to stop us. And even if there was I'd be too fast for them to catch up to us!" Orb remarked happily. "This is going to be so much fun! And more dangerous than that time you ate a basket of pinecones."

"Not exactly the best example but yes I guess it would be more dangerous eating a basket of pinecones. They were very nice and crunchy in fact I can go for one right now" Y/N rummaged through the saddle bag and pulled out a pinecone to crunch on.

"You'd eat anything that even looks edible don't you." Orb chuckled as if he wouldn't do the same. "Now pass me one of those 'cones please" After Orb's request was fulfilled he picked up the pace.

The first thing that the two adventurers encountered was a small bridge going over a shallow looking river. on the other side was a tall blue house with a red roof and white window frames which complemented the house perfectly. and though it was hard to see there were also some small empty flower beds. To the right of the house was a path that lead to a bothouse that seemed to be about a third the height of the blue house.

Y/N gasped in astonishment. "Oh my goodness Orb look! There's Moss on this bridge!" Y/N climbed off of Orb and skipped over to the bridge, making sure not to fall. They kneeled down and started scraping the tasty treat off the bridge to snack of. To them the moss was a delicacy to those who had a refined pallet. "I'm sure whoever owns this bridge wouldn't mind a nice moss cleaning. And for free as well as long as I get to eat the moss."

Y/N stuffed their face with moss as they then went to their next destination to explore, which was the tall blue house. Orb had followed close behind.  "None of the lights are on. They must be asleep in there. but I wonder what sort of creatures live here." They looked around a bit more and spotted a ladder. Maybe this'll lead to a bedroom.

They headed onto the porch and crawled up onto the ladder, minding the snow. "Now Orb if they're awake you must be prepared to be my escape horse." Orb simply nodded in understanding as Y/N climbed up the ladder to peek through a window. There they saw a moomintroll sleeping peacefully, how precious.

Slowly and carefully Y/N descended the ladder back down to Orb. "So who lives 'round these parts?" He asked. "Moomins, my dear horse. Those are the ones that kind of look like marshmellows." Y/N seemed to be getting hungry again, or perhaps they never gotten full in the first place. "Well why don't we head on over west where that boathouse is. Maybe someone's using it and we can make a friend to commit crimes with."

"Well I reckon that's a great idea. Let's get goin' then." Orb nodded in agreement as he started heading his way over to the boathouse  with Y/N upon his back. as they got closer they saw what looked like another person and a horse. But much to Orb's disappointment the horse was a snow one. On the bright side the person was definitely not snow.

They had short blond hair under a small blue hat with a red pom pom on top.  she also wore a striped red and white sweater with blue trousers. Their green eyes seemed so fixed on the snow horse that they didn't even seem to notice the adventures.

"Heya Blondie!" Y/N beamed happily, startling the poor girl. "Sorry if I scared ya I'm Y/N and this is my dear friend and steed, Orb." They gestured to the Equine they were sitting on top of. "Nice to horse our acquaintance." What.

"No no it's alright. I'm Too-Ticky. For a second I thought you were the lady of the cold. That's who I'm making this horse for." Too-Ticky pats the snowy steed endearingly. "I hope it's good enough for her."

"Well Orb here thought it was another horse so I say it's pretty well crafted" Y/N hopped off their steed to greet their new potential friend. "Well if you hadn't noticed yat we're new here. would you mind telling us where we are exactly?"

"Well you're in Moomin Valley" She explained their whereabouts. "Well that explains why you're the first person we saw. Most of the people must be moomins hibernating."

She nodded "You are very correct Y/N. And now that you asked me a question I'm going to ask you a question." Too-Ticky picked up a bucket of water and started pouring it onto the snow horse. "What are you doing here in Moomin Valley? Usually most people go south for winter not North, or at least Snufkin does."

"No reason in particular my dear friend. I just go wherever my heart tells me to. It's like a compass towards adventure and it seems like it lead me to the treasure of friendship this time." They smiled. "Now it's my turn to ask a question. Who is exactly is this Snufkin fellow that you've mentions. I feel like I've heard that name before. Is he an adventurer as well?"

"Yes. Yes he is. But he prefers the term vagabond. Even though he stays here in Moomin Valley most of the year. Right after the moomins start hibernating he sets off so he can have some alone time and each year on the first day of spring. If anything I see it as him taking a vacation. If you plan on staying maybe you two can share stories about your adventures."

"Ah so wht you're saying is that we'll get along well. Well I can't wait to meet him when spring rolls around in a month or so. But for now how about I tell you my stories instead. if you don't mind of course." Y/N offered.

"Of course I don't mind. You can tell me all about them when I go decide to catch us some dinner." From that day Y/N had made a new wonderful winter friend to spend time with and there are even more to come when spring arrives.


(I hope y'all liked the chappie. don't worry Snufkin will be in the next chappie)

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