Chapter 2: Spring Has Arrived

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(Fuck I think I accidentally fell for Too-ticky. I'm gay as hell lmao)

 I'm gay as hell lmao)

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The past month or so Y/N had been enjoying the cold winter activities with their dear new friend, Too-Ticky. And on top of that they learned about many new things.

Once of the first things they learned about were critters that were so shy that they were invisible. They first discovered said creatures when they noticed that some of their signs- I mean firewood had been going missing. Eventually Y/N had caught one of the critters in the act but after being explained to that they're using it for a bonfire they happily provided all the "firewood" they could as long as they could join. Y/N and the critters now have an agreement so Y/N is now invited to the bonfires as long as they provide firewood of course.

The next thing they learned was how to ice skate. They had some trouble at first but eventually got the hang of it from the help of their good friend Too-Ticky. But soon after they learned more about The Lady Of The Cold. She had arrived to look for a snow steed while the two were ice skating. Too-Ticky was able to hide in the boathouse with Orb while Y/N was just figuratively frozen like a deer in headlights as they were stunned by her beauty but as they looked into her cold blue eyes they were then literally frozen. They couldn't help themselves though, she looked like a tall beautiful sculpture that would be found by a castle.

They were then later thawed out by the stove. Definitely worth it though.

But speaking of cold and powerful entities of considerable danger, Y/N was warned about the Groke. A tall ghostly figure with piercing yellow eyes and a row of shiny teeth that rested beneath her large nose. She'd always travel alone and emits a deathly cold aura that freezes and even sometimes kills the earth beneath her. Usually she comes out during the winter because of this, seeing as the ground is already frozen under a thick blanket of snow. Sadly Y/N didn't have the pleasure of meeting this lonely misunderstood creature. This winter at least.

As of now the lovely winter months are about to come to a close. A chapter of the year has ended and a new one begins. In a sense seasons are like the chapters of life. Each one is different in their own way but they continue one after another. Sometimes the chapter has a smooth transition, sometimes a quick choppy one. Other times it recalls what has happened in the past briefly before returning to the present. Life is like a book and we all have our own stories told from all sorts of perspectives and filled with all sorts of motiefs.

It seems this current chapter of Y/N's life is coming to a close. As they look over at the frozen over sea they heard a crackling noise. Y/N was definitely surprised to see the sea frozen over in the first place because of how slow it would take. But at least its melting now or breaking? CRACK CRACK CRACK Oh yeah it's most definitely breaking. As the cracking got louder and closer they hopped onto Orb's back to get a better view.

The sight was beautiful. The entire sea had woken up from their hibernation and thrown off their icey hole covered blanket and stretched themselves out back to shore. But that was just the beginning. It hadn't stopped at the shore, the snow started thawing out the snow in a wave. It was then Y/N had a brilliant idea. "Giddy up, Orb!"

They decided to follow this wave of warmth as far as they could through the valley on horseback. They are going to draw out this chapter as long as they can before starting a new.

Orb bursted into a full sprint for it as Y/N held on as tight as they could to the reins. It felt exhilarating to do something like this even though how unnecessary it was. Could it be that they hadn't had a good run in ages or perhaps it gave them the feeling that they were running winter out of the valley like a sheriff running crook out of the town. Or maybe it was just the thought of being able to watch winter to turn in to spring this quickly. Regardless of the reason they found themselves cheering and whooping in joy. "Spring has arrived!" Who knew someone could be so thrilled of the changing of seasons.

The two had finally finished 'chasing the winter out of Moomin Valley' when they reached the base of a mountain. Y/N may commit crimes but they're not cruel enough to force a horse to climb a mountain so they turned back to admire springtime in Moomin valley.

Y/N and Orb were glad that they decided to stay as it was truly a sight to behold. there was very little snow left but under the thawed out patches had tiny flowers hiding and waiting to sprout and bloom. They saw chunks of ice n the rivers alongside frogs waking up from hibernation. Y/N wondered if any other critters would wake up this early from hibernation.

As the bridge to Moomin house came into view, the duo saw a figure coming from the woods were they came from about a month ago. The figure then headed onto the bridge and propped themself onto its railing. Suddenly there was the sweet sounds of a french harp, also known as a harmonica, coming from the bridge. They haven't even met this green dressed fellow and they already knew they played music.

As they closed in they saw a Moomin troll running out of the house. "These critters are quite quick to come out of hibernation?" Y/N pondered. Once they got to the bridge they were finally able to get a good look at the two. The Moomin had short white fur covering its round body. The guy that was a figure moments ago had turned out to be a mumrik, just like them. He had light brown hair hiding under a green witch like hat that had a feather in it. he wore a large green coat that matched his hat and a warm yellow scarfed wrapped around him. But the thing Y/N couldn't help be mesmerized by was his dark brown eyes that stared into their soul.

After realizing they had been staring they cleared their throat and let out a "Hello hello!" to the Mumrik and the Moomin Troll. Hopefully the two would like them.


(woopsy doopsy cliffhanger lmao)

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