9: bowling ball

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Everyone kind of separated and did there own thing for a bit. Wooderson was showing off his car to Clint. Melvin and some guys were playing pool and I was standing by the jukebox with Michelle talking about whatever she would come up with stoned out of her minds

"Hey Jodi and the girls are outside." Pink says walking over to me.

"Alright. I'll see you later Michelle" I say before walking out with him his hand in mine. When we walk out of the emporium the girls are leaning on the wall flicking bottle caps.

"What's this Sunny." Shavonne says making me roll my eyes and leave Pink standing by Wooderson who is now out there with us lighting a cigarette.

"So what do I hear about a beer bust?" Jodi asks Pink who points to Wooderson saying that it was his plan. Pink then walks back over to me grabbing me by the waist and pulling me back over too Wooderson as he leans his head on my shoulder and leaves his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I say spinning around to face him as he walks forward a step so we were leaning against the wall.

"Simones coming." He says smiling at me making me smile back at him and just as he says that Simone and Darla walk over as Darla grabs Wooderson before glaring at me.

"Didn't know you were a sloppy seconds kinda girl Sunshine." Simone says smiling proudly at her comment.

"Only when they taste good." I say back kissing Pink as she scoffs and walks into the emporium following Darla.

"Your sick girl." Shavonne says to me laughing as Jodi does the same.

"Yknow that was pretty hot." Pink whispers leaning over me more.

"Oh was it?" I say back smiling and nodding.

"Mhm" he says cupping my chin with his thumb and pointer finger kissing me again softly before pulling away and turning to look at the car now pulling in too see O'bannions car pull in and Don get out as Jodi turns to talk to Mitch and Sabrina.

"Wooderson, boy I haven't seen you in a while. Whatcha been up too?" Don asks walking up to the three of us.

"Same old shit, working for the city. Been thinking about getting back in school." Wooderson answers with as Pink pulls his belt buckle from his pants that turns out to be a bong before smoking it and putting back.

"Thats where all the girls are." Wooderson says again before nodding towards Mitch.

"How the freshmen crop looking this year?" Wooderson asks Mitch who just shrugs as we all laugh.

"Your gonna get yourself thrown in jail man" I say shaking my head at him with a smile.

"That's what's so good about these high school girls. I get older but they stay the same age." He says making us laugh again as Pickford sticks his head out of his window.

"Anyone up for a spin?" He yells pointing at Pink and Don.

"Sure." Pink says wrapping his arm around my shoulder as Don, Pink, Mitch and I walk to the car.

"Shotgun!" Don yells racing to the front seat as Slater was just getting out.

"Your only getting shotgun because I'm going inside." Slater says getting out as Don nods and takes his place as Slater and Wooderson walk into the emporium.

"Who's bowling ball is this?" Mitch asks holding it up.

"It's yours man." Pickford says back as he starts driving through neighbourhoods as we all pass a joint around.

"Hey pull up to this trash can!" Don yells leaning out of the window as Pickford slows down the speeds up as Don throws the trash can at a mailbox. Pink then rolls his window down doing the same as Don.

"Bowling ball." Don says nearly spitting out the beer in his mouth as he points to Mitch.

"You think?" Mitch says back worried.

"Yeah lose it." Pink says as Mitch picks up the bowling ball as all the guys start yelling at him to throw it as Pickfords floors in and Mitch then throws it right into a car window and all of a sudden there was no noise coming from any of us. Then Pickford breaks the silence by laughing and we all join in.

"Man that bowling ball said "hooff" to that damn windshield." Pickford says

"Some poor slobs going to come out to his car tomorrow morning on his way to work and..." pink says and they all start laughing harder.

"Hey man were out of beer. We need a quick and easy stop." Don says as the laughter dies down and Pickford pulls into the gas station parking lot.

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