twenty three

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alyssa woke up to soft kisses all over her face. she groaned and rolled over, no longer facing luke. luke had his arms around alyssa's waist and still, he kept giving her small kisses.

"stop." alyssa groaned, her eyes still closed. she pushed luke's face away, making luke pout. but he didn't budge, he cupped alyssa's boobs hoping to wake her up. "lucifer fuck off, i drank more than you did, you asshole get off of me you smell like rotting flesh."

"fine." luke gave up laying back down on his side of the bed and grabbed his phone scrolling through his feed.

moments later, alyssa opened her eyes and sighed. "come back to me, my love."

luke ignored her and kept his eyes on his phone. alyssa turned to face luke, blinking her tired eyes at him.

he finally looked over at her, making eye contact. they blinked at each other before laughing. they got a bit closer, their faces only a few inches away. there was definitely tension happening.

"we have to-" alyssa started but to be cut off by luke putting his finger over her lips. "what time is it?" she asked.

luke shrugged, a grin across his face. alyssa rolled her eyes, "i'm serious. we should go help clean up the mess at michael's." luke said nothing but blinked at her.

"make me breakfast then please i'm hungry." alyssa pouted cupping luke's face. he giggled, "alright, how about we both make breakfast." he suggested. luke got up and carried alyssa bridal style down the stairs, she giggled all the way there.

luke set her on the counter top and got all the ingredients for making pancakes, "does your parents know where you are?" he raised his eyebrows at her.

alyssa shrugged, "i told my mom that we were gonna have a surprise party for you...didn't tell her exactly where though."

"call her, please. i don't want her to think you're causing any trouble." luke said making alyssa laugh at his thoughtfulness.

"oh, lucas." she got off the counter to go get her phone from upstairs, "those pancakes better be done when i come back." alyssa yelled from upstairs.

"take your time, princess." luke replied.

alyssa found her phone in her pile of clothes, she called her mom which was a piece of cake.

"mom, hi. good morn-" she looked at luke's clock, shes been ignoring the time all morning. it was almost 1 pm. "good afternoon, mother."

"yes hello, is something wrong? where are you?" her mom asked in an almost worried voice.

"no everything is fine, i'm just about to eat brunch here at luke's."

"alyssa, you told me you were just gonna have a surprise party for him. you never told me you were sleeping over. are his parents home?" now her mom was full on worried/angry.

"mom, i'm sorry but i was tired okay and so was he. so we just fell asleep here. and no they're not home at the moment they just left a couple hours ago."

"alyssa, i'm trusting you. just don't stay out to late and don't get yourself into trouble, okay?" her mom sighed.

"yes mom, thank you. love you, talk to you later." she the hung up and quickly went downstairs to find that luke had set up their whole breakfast. 2 glass milk and pancakes were set on the table. luke grinned when alyssa came into the room.

"aw, cute." alyssa teased sitting down across the table from him. luke glared at her, "come sit down next to me you butt." alyssa rolled her eyes and obeyed.

"i hate you though." she stuck her tongue out at him and as she stuffed her mouth with the delicious pancakes he had made. she was quite impressed they turned out good.

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