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"hi tyler." alyssa smiled at her friend, who immediately shuffled down to lay next to her on the bed. he asked her if he can come over and she immediately agreed, wanting to know more about what happened him.

"i was waiting for the right time to come out to you.." tyler said poking alyssa's leg.

"it's fine." alyssa said giving him a smile.

"does it make you think differently of me now?" tyler asked.

"no of course not! you're still you. before you told me you liked men. you're still the same you i met in 2nd grade and you're still the same you i ate lunch alone with first day of freshman year. and the same person that stood up for me when bitchy witch of the west tried harassing me and the same person that still stayed when me even though i got caught up with boyfriend drama last year. you're still you." alyssa wrapped her arms around her friend, tyler's head was now on alyssa's lap.

"you're the greatest friend anyone could ask for, you know that right?" tyler said looking up at alyssa.

"i know and so are you, bub." alyssa continued to wrap her arms around tyler's slim body.

"i'm staying for dinner, your mom's making pasta." tyler said calmly.

"of course you are." alyssa giggled. "so tell me some background story to this, how did michael feel?"

"i don't know. one second we were playing cod the next i had my lips on his. i guess it got heated." tyler shrugged. "i-i just i can't help it you know? ever since 6th grade, i felt - well, different. i think elizabeth monroe was the only girl who turned me straight for like 10 seconds 2 years ago. man, have you seen her when she first wore legging holy fuck. but anyways, other than that i' ve been crushing on michael since i first saw him first day of high school. we've eye fucked for like 3 years now and when you and luke started talking i think that was what finally got us both together - i mean like- to talk. we have been hanging out a lot, whenever you have plans with luke and i have no one to hang out with, he would invite me over. we became pretty tight for the last couple of months. anyway, so we kissed. i was so so scared he would tell me to piss off because i really didn't know if he was gay or not or if he would hate me after but he kissed me back!" tyler smiled but it quickly faded away.

"then he told me that he needed time to think about what just happened, i almost cried infront of him, because i was happy that he kissed me and that maybe he liked me to then he just does that! what the fuck. just tell me if you like me god damn. i didn't say anything i just left. i cried when i got home im crying over someone fuck sakes!" tyler looked up at alyssa who sat still looking back at him.

alyssa didn't know what to say to her friend, this was all a lot for her to gather. how he felt about michael and how michael felt about him. alyssa had experience tyler being like this before, but a long time ago when his parents got divorced. tyler has never talked about someone like this before. he has never been the one to show he cared about someone other than alyssa, his mom or his little sister.

"help me. i'm feeling." tyler whispered looking away.

"that's why you should tell him how you feel." alyssa suggested.

"i'm afraid he won't feel the same way.." tyler groaned.

"you just have to risk it to the biscuit." alyssa said playing with his hair. that's when tears started to fall out of his eyes.


"it just slipped out of my mouth! literally slipped!" luke yelled through the phone. he had decided to call calum right after alyssa left to vent out his problems. calum was one of his closest friend, after alyssa, of course.

"what did she say after?" calum asked.

"nothing, i don't know if she didn't hear me or she just ignored - oH MY GOD DID SHE FRIENDZONE ME - NO WA- I CANT BELIEVE THIS." luke tugged at his hair in frustration.

"bud, simmer down!" calum yelled, "i'm sure she didn't friendzone you, maybe she just didn't feel like talking about it and she just wanted to focus on your problems." this was one of the things luke loved about calum, he was wise. he knew how to deal with girls more than anybody. he has been in a few relationships, a lot of them lasting for about a year.

after all, he was the one who encouraged luke to talk to alyssa in the first place.

"what do i do?" luke asked calming down now.

"bro, tell her how you feel. girls love that shit." calum suggested. "give her time to answer though, i can see how strong your friendship is. it won't be easy."

"fuck thanks ghandi." luke giggled. he can feel calum smile through the phone too. "what if she doesn't like me as much as i like her though - like more than friends."

"you just have to believe in yourself i guess. i see the way she looks at you, and ew i dont wanna get into romantic shit with you, i'll let her do that part. but she doesn't even seem like the type who just leaves after you pour your heart out on her, you know? you basically got in a fight with someone, for her. like you guys will probably stay as friends. you already cuddle and sleep together and shit anyways." there he goes again, mr-im-so-fucking-wise.

"yeah." luke giggled. luke was interrupted by his mom, who peeked out the door, "dinner's ready." luke's mom, liz, said.

"give me a sec, i'll be down soon." luke answered his mom, who closed the door and went back downstairs.

"calum, i love you. thank you for being wise and being the ladies man and also fuck you for being the ladies man. i have to go, thanks for talking to me and putting up with me." luke said walking around his room.

"gross. but yeah no problem, you're always happy around her and i'm happy if your happy. talk to you later bud." calum hung up. calum has always been the i-am-having-girl-problems-i-need-help go to kind of guy, he got all his wisdom about girls from his sister, mali-koa. luke had a silly little crush on her when he was 11 and she was currently in high school, he wasn't sure if he got over her. anyway, calum's sister taught him how to treat girls at a young age, that's how he had a 9 months "serious" relationship in 8th grade, which is impressive considering he was only 13 years old back then and could keep a longer relationship than anybody else in high school.

when luke went downstairs to eat dinner with his parents, he earned a look from his mom.

"what did you and alyssa do all day today?" she asked.

luke shrugged, "just watched netflix then we got bored so we went to the park then she left."

"i think it's time for me to meet this young lady." his dad gave him a smile. he had only met alyssa twice, one time when luke first had her come over and the other when she took luke home. his dad was always busy with work so he was barely home. today was an exception, he guessed.

"why? she's just a friend." luke said through a full mouth. which caused his mom raise her eyebrows at him, she had a strict rule for having manners.

"you and i both know you two are more than friends." his mom teased.

"mom, leave me alone." luke whined, "i don't even think she likes me that way." luke pouted.

"why wouldn't she like you? oh lukey, you are so handsome and sweet and kind and adorable." liz reached over to luke and pinched his cheek. which earned her a glare from luke.

"true." luke said in-a-matter-of-factly.


character development yaay ((i wrote this instead of doing my homework i hate myself))



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