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On April 26th the environment is quite colorful. Flowers bloom, birds chirp and a breeze gently rustles the trees.

It's 5.55 PM in the evening, Yeonjun is sitting outside and watches people interact with a smile on his face.

There's this huge cherry blossom tree in the middle of the campus, and the love of his life - Choi Soobin - leans on it, looking absolutely delightful with his adorable dimples and shining eyes.


Yeonjun would say it's kind of funny, well... almost. Bitter sweet too, surely unfair as well, but he never wanted to change anything about the story itself.

God had always loved tragedies.

He smiles as he leans back against his own tree, not as beautiful as the cherry blossom one over there, but still one of his favorites.

Surely Soobin must have noticed the stare, because he looks around the students until he makes eye contact with Yeonjun, then quickly averts his gaze back to his notebook, repressing a smile.

Yeonjuns heart swells with the shy behavior, knowing fully well that Soobin isn't a social butterfly, yet still attracts people like street music. He probably hates it, no doubt, but Yeonjun can't help it too.

He was in love with Soobin at first sight about 15 years ago - an insane amount of time to suffer from unrequited love. Yeonjun can't really remember his childhood, but he knows he had loved Soobin all his life, even before knowing what love actually was.

Except for the occasional eye contact, Soobin doesn't really know anything about Yeonjun. They aren't friends, aren't even acquaintances, haven't talked a single word to each other, and yet - Yeonjun grins - and yet he's the center of his life.

However, his obsession with Soobin isn't everything there is to Yeonjun. It's true that he wakes up every morning thinking of him, but then he stands up from the dusty mattress, dresses, freshes up with the few hygiene products he can find, and watches the environment around him changing.

Okay - then - he searches for Soobin and follows him all day. But Yeonjun promises he isn't a stalker - not a total creepy one at least - because he swears he really respects Soobins privacy. Even though Yeonjun can make himself invisible, he would never want to make Soobin uncomfortable.

So here he is, pretending to be a college student in order to be as close to Soobin as he possibly can.

Because that's what Yeonjun had always wanted, and now that's all he has left after losing everything else.

Yeonjun feels tears welling up in his eyes as he stares at the blue sky, asking himself what exactly he had done to deserve this.

He was in love with a man, but Yeonjun never acted upon his desires. He watched from above as Soobin was living his life peacefully, he followed all his father's orders, he was one of the most well behaved angels and never complained about anything.

All Yeonjun had done, was to love. He loved God, he loved heaven, he loved that he had the opportunity to help humans, and he loved Soobin.

Had he wanted too much? Was that why he became a fallen angel?

Honestly, it has done Yeonjun more favors than worshipping a God he had never truly believed in.


Helloo... I'm coming back with another story. :) It'll take some time for it to update frequently, because I'm still pre-writing the chapters, but I couldn't contain myself to not publish the prolong.

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