Chapter 2 - Searching for you

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Yeonjun has never felt better. The angels might call him a lunatic for smiling happily after the Fall, but not one of them will understand how at ease he feels after all the responsibilities and conditioned obedience have been lifted off his shoulders.

The saddest part about leaving heaven has to be, that he can no longer support humans going through their toughest moments. That little hope - a sign you can say - has helped many humans to continue their lives, even when they were on the verge of giving up on themselves.

That's the only thing Yeonjun regrets after rebelling against God - he will miss seeing the development, to guide them through heartbreaks and every crisis until they smile at their own reflection in the bathroom mirror again.

However, they won't miss him too much when he's gone. Someone else will take his place at the Vision-Table. That's how it always was, how it always will be.

So for the sake of sacrificing his very dear job, Yeonjun will have to make the most out of it. But first, he needs to find land. And something to eat. Maybe some different clothes too. Yeonjun sighs with the realization that his decision comes with a ton of new problems, which might be the start of the whole exciting human experience.

It takes some effort, and several falls, until Yeonjun succeeds in flapping his wings enough to push himself out of the water and fly down the horizon. Then he flies for hours, can't really measure how much time passes, but finds a coast when the sun is setting.

Utterly exhausted and tired, Yeonjun firstly lands on his feet, until his legs give out and make him drop to his knees. His wings lose all their strengh as well, falling on each side of him lifelessly.

Yeonjun smiles again as soon as he feels the solid ground beneath his palms, getting reminded that yeah - he's on earth. He arrived safely. God can't stand a chance against him.

He chuckles and lays down, turning around to relax after the trip, beginning to count the first stars that appear on the steadily darkening sky.

The island itself is beautiful, Yeonjun saw it from afar and couldn't wait to finally be a part of this serene picture. Though, it doesn't seem to be abandoned, there's several buildings close to it - Yeonjun might need to hide his wings soon.

But not right now - not with all those stars shining down on him. All the planets, galaxies and everything that humans haven't explored yet, are so much bigger than him. And still - right now - they are only small unreachable pretty dots decorating the night. What a shame it is, that humans have this sight every single night, and don't appreciate it nearly enough.

A sudden thought makes him smile - What if Soobin is looking at the stars too?

"How come I always end up thinking about you?" Yeonjun whispers quietly, probably being an idiot, but he thinks It's romantic.

Yeonjun continues to lie on his back, his wings spread out on the ground beneath him, while the longing makes him clench his teeth and ball his hands into fists - an all too familiar feeling by now.  It's almost terrifying how Soobin consumes his entire being, not knowing how madly Yeonjun is in love with him, so much that he's dedicating his life to get as close as he possibly can.

One might ask what's so special about an awkward college student, who has a passion for video games and baking miserable cakes, but Yeonjun can't really explain it either. Though, he knows his heart races when Soobin stretches his lips into a bright smile, displaying his gorgeous gorgeous dimples. Or how he touches everything so gently, like he never wants to see anything break because of him.

It's the little things that make Yeonjuns head spin, all those little - and not so little - things about Soobin that others are completely unaware of. Soobin would never want to make someone uncomfortable, being always so attentive, considerate, putting his entire heart into making the world a better place. And Yeonjun dares to call himself an angel.

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