Chapter 4 - Closer

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Yeonjun wakes up with a pained groan as he tries to turn on his back. To use a park bench as a bed isn't the most comfortable choice itself, but to lie on it covered in bruises? And possible fractures? Yeonjun wouldn't recommend trying.

But it's not like Yeonjn expected any good sleep. Throughout the night, he shivered from the cold and icy breeze, and no sweater or bomberjacket was enough to shield him from it. So in summary, he slept around two to three hours - nowhere near enough, but is there really another choice? The sun is already shining down on his face in mid spring, the bird are chirping and children play soundly in the distance. It's a beautiful picture, if only Yeonjun wasn't still cowering on the bench, his hood up, own blood stainining his clothes.

Yeonjun never thought he'd be the reason why parents pull their children closer to themselves when passing by, or to be the source of pitiful gazes, but faith changes and god - as Yeonjun stated many times before - is a horrible man.

With a deep sigh, Yeonjun slowly pushes against the surface of the bench to sit up in the middle of it, hissing from the pain. At least the swelling of his eyes didn't increase too much, and Yeonjun still can see enough to reach for his backpack and retrieve a water bottle, taking small sips of water. The bottle has gone through a few kicks too, looking crooked and dirty, just how Yeonjun feels at the moment.

As he sits there and basks in his own bitterness, a couple walks by in front of him. Yeonjun wouldn't mind them a second glance, if the woman didn't turn around and carefully placed a few coins on the bench beside him, smiling sadly.

Too stunned to reply, Yeonjun looks at her walking back to the man, who shakes his head in disapproval. "He's only going to buy himself drugs from it." The voice fades as they continue their path down the pebbles way.

Yeonjun takes the money in his shaky hands and examines it carefully. At least he can buy himself some cheap ramen with. It's just a shame that he couldn't thank her a second ago.

After managing to get up even with his entire body aching, he finds a small convenience store around the corner, walking with a limp as he enters through the automatically opening glass doors. Once inside, he pauses and heavily leans against shelve, clutching his rips and suddenly feeling out of breath. His vision blurs and he feels like passing out any second, but composes himself through deep breathing. Only when the small black dots in his vision disappear, does Yeonjun inhale with more courage, taking another step.

Eventuelly, he finds cheap ramen. Thank god that the convenience store has a small kettle and chopsticks - Yeonjun wouldn't have any idea where to get them from.

With a grunt, Yeonjun drops the package on the counter and keeps his eyes averted, not wanting to look the cashier in the eyes. He knows how pathetic he must look, there's no need to see more pity - it honestly makes him feel worse.

But what he didn't expect, if for the cashier to let out a small whistle, scanning the package nonchalantly. "The last twenty-four hours didn't treat you well, huh?"

Yeonjun raises his tired and empty eyes, feeling a hint of surprise to see the girl with dark hair from yesterday, who gave him the directions to find the College Of Arts. "You could say that." His voice is hoarse and stained, finding that even talking hurts.

The girl contorts her face as she looks over the wounds and bruises on his face. "You look awful."

"Thanks." Yeonjun responds unimpressed and gives her the money. Then he walks down an aisle into the direction of the counter, starting the kettle.

"So... did you find him?" The girl asks absentminedly, loud enough for Yeonjun to hear him. "What was his name again?"

Yeonjun prepares the ramen with his eyes saddening. "Soobin. And no, I didn't."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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