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Percy POV

After I said that there was nothing left to live for on Earth Chaos questioned me, but went along with it anyway. When we exited the portal I saw the largest city, fort, and palace ever before me. "How does all this fit on one planet?"(Each one was the size of the Earth) "Oh if you think this is large then you should visit the farms or the galactic port." "Okay then, where will I be staying? "I don't know, find a large piece in of empty land and build your house there." "Fine I'll start now. Do you have any good recommendations as to where I should live?" "A place where all the elements meet in one place, so I'll teleport you to the place I am thinking of."

I wonder where Chaos left me, an ocean to my right, fire to my left, ground beneath me, and air all around me. Wait a minute how do get a biome of fire, well this is a different planet to Earth so I guess anything can happen here. Now what should my house be like, shack no too small, city no too large. Aha I got it a palace, now what should be made out of? Then out of nowhere a manual for building palaces called "Percy's Guide To Finding His Already Built Palace," it had one word in "Focus." How the hell out of s that supposed to help, then out of nowhere a fourth of a door popped out of each biome to connect with the other pieces to make one door. So me being the curious primordial I am opened the door. And what I saw inside surprised me the most, a grand entry way made of nothing, but jewels. As I started walking in I touched one of the jewels and it gave me all of my memory back. I know weird right, but I guess some of these jewels have powers and then a memory hit me and it was that every single jewel here has a unique power. I touched the one next to the one I just pressed, an I fell into a room a room miles long and miles beneath the surface. A sign read "Training Room" my first thought was wow this is enormous training room. It has a labyrinth, a boxing ring, a hospital, obstacle course the automated robots to make it tougher, a pitch black area, mirror house, a laboratory, a restaurant, a place of pure whiteness, anger release room. When I exited the training facility I pressed another jewel this one had a secret passage way to Chaos. "Oh so you finally got your memory back, you can do whatever you want without my permission after you complete the entire training facility in 2 nanoseconds. "2 nanoseconds! I will do it now because if it means freedom I'm all for it.
-------------------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Well that was a bit of a challenge, but I guess I can leave now, right?" "Yes, just shift into your primordial form" "Awesome I look so cool!" "Well off you go."
-------------------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I walk into the Olympian throne room and all the goddesses are staring at me. Aphrodite was squealing, like always. And Artemis was staring at me with lust, never thought she was the lustful type. Hestia was staring at me admiring the flames part of me. And I just don't care enough to tell you what the others think. "Who are you and why have interrupted our discussion?" Zeus asked in a booming voice "I am Gamma son of Chaos and I think the proper word is argument." "Why are you here? If want a war do it some other time we have no good heroes both ways. The greatest hero to ever live, Perseus Jackson, died protecting us from six Titans. Hyperion, Iapetus, Kronos, Crius, Cous, and Oceanus. But we believed his younger brother and not him on who was the traitor, turns out Drake was the traitor since he was a son of Gaia." I believed right then was a good time to let the males know who I was since the females all already know it. "Gasp" said Hermes and Apollo at the same time. Poseidon fainted, Zeus started apologizing repeatedly, Hades was laughing at the others reactions, Hephaestus was working on something for me that I didn't know about, Dionysus was reading a wine magazine, and Ares was getting ready to try and kill me.

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