The Grandfather Paradox

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Paradox Protocols:
The complete Commission guide to temporal anomalies.
Chapter sixty-eight: The Grandfather Paradox

It's New Jersey, 1953, and Elmer Tatelman hates his grandfather. Elmer blames everything on his grandfather. His nothers pain, his father's death, and his own sad life.

This could have been just another sad tale about soup, except for one thing. Elmer is about to invent time-travel.

You see, Elmer has decided the key to his future happiness is to go back in time and kill his grandfather. Elmer completed his mission, but he's made one crucial mistake. He went too far back in time.

You see, murdering his grandfather in 1905 meant that Elmer's mother didn't exist to meet his father in 1925. Which made certain that Elmer himself was never born.

Elmer killed his grandfather, so his mother was never born. But if his mother was never born, Elmer no longer exists. But if Elmer no longer exists, how could he possibly kill his grandfather? And around and around we go.

Elmer has created a Paradox: The Grandfather Paradox.

To quote the Commission handbook they have me when I was thirty-nine. Because Five's way of explaining things is too long and complicated even for me sometimes.

By the time he was done we were all sat around a lounge in the Hotel Obsidian. It had two pool tables, three sofas around a coffee table and was wrapped in a balcony since it was off the floor.

"I'm so confused." Deigo said, leaning on the pool table beside me and Five.

"Shocking." Allison said, leant against a beam by herself.

"Tell me where he lost ya and I'll pick it up from there." I said. "And don't worry, I'm fluent in most languages. Including idiot."

"Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exsist. But clearly we do exist, and the universe can't handle it. Which is a problem." Viktor said.

"Thank you, Viktor." I said, sitting on the table and laying back on it. "I'm too drunk for this."

"You're too drunk, not drunk enough, pick a side, Y/n." Five said.

"Fuck off." I said. "You're not fooling anyone with that coffee mug."

Five sipped his coffee mug, most definitely full of vodka or something strong.

Stan yelled and did a shit karate kick, waving his pool stick around.

"Stanley!" Deigo yelled. "Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?!"

"Yeah well mom said I need to practice." Stan said.

"Don't get him started on ya mum Stan, he's been whining all day." I said, bringing my vodka bottle to my lips.

"Okay so hold on." Allison said. "So we caused a Paradox. What dose that mean?"

"It's hard to say. It's all been theoretical until now." Five said.

"The end of the world in some way." I shrugged. "So our usual stakes."

"Things have started to dissappear." Five said.

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