Chapter 8

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Zarius's POV:

Cathlyn presses a button underneath the table, making it flip slowly and replacing it with another that's filled with information, pictures, etc.

I glance at my best friend and catch that she is impressed.

I avert my eyes back to the table and observe some of the photos.

Cathlyn tightens her ponytail, clears her throat, and looks at us. "Let's begin."

"So," Cathlyn takes a photo of a guy and shows it to us.

She slowly moves it, giving us some ideas.

Well, I think that he's the target.

"This is the target." She stated and my instincts turned out to be correct.

We carefully observed the picture and then she placed it on the table. "This guy was the boss' ex-secretary. He took all his money and then disappeared after a day."

"That was three years ago." She said and then we nodded.

"Boss didn't take action on this quickly and he let the guy be to let him enjoy 'his' money. But after three years, he found the man again. He's here in Nashville. Poor and unemployed."

"Then that's when he told me to check on the guy, get all of his information, etc."

"And now, I'll discuss how you two will take him down."

"He always eats at a restaurant. Seven minutes exactly away from his house, so he just bikes to go there." She took a picture of the man's bike and the restaurant. Named Arciello's."

Cathlyn shows us the photo and immediately puts it down, in front of us.

"And once he eats there, he'll always complain about the meal to the chef, making the chef get annoyed by him. He complains about how bad it is, even though it isn't. And the restaurant is not famous, so they won't be able to do anything. They won't kick the man out of the restaurant since they need money. "

"Hence, tomorrow you both will do this mission."

"This is the plan."

"Zarius you'll be the chef and Azrael you'll be a new waiter since they're hiring one. I also made masks that look like the chef and a random guy for a waiter. You should wear a binder for tomorrow, Azrael. So no one will suspect that you're a female."

"If you two wonder how that'll work, well, since the chef is severely sick, She's been in her house for two days now. So you  Zarius, you'll be the replacement. And of course, they'll think that the chef is now okay. They won't ask questions. And then once you make the guy's meal, his everyday order there is just pasta. So you'll replace the black pepper with poison powder."

She opens her purse and takes something out. "This'll be the black pepper replacement. It's poison and it'll show symptoms after twenty minutes, so we'll have a lot of time. Then in twenty-eight minutes, he'll be dead."

"After twenty-eight minutes just let him be. Wait for fifteen minutes before totally killing him. 'Cause the cops might suspect how he died quickly when their houses are ten minutes away from each other."

"So after ten minutes, you'll make her write a suicide note. Then, of course, kill her. Also, they won't suspect that someone killed the chef since she's been depressed and suicidal because of her son. Her son died in a plane crash."

"And, once you, Zarius," She points at me.

"Get out of work, make sure that Azrael is the one who gets out first because of an 'Emergency' and then wait for a few minutes until you go. Just tell your co-chef that your head hurts and after that, I'll hack all the CCTV cameras, and..."

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