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( another perspective ! )


Right before Draco received his timetable, she and Nott rearranged his schedule so that he wouldn't share any classes with Halia. Nott had sweet-talked his way to the Ravenclaw prefect, Padma Patil, to hand him Halia's schedule.

Nott handed her Halia's schedule. Pansy's eyes widened in shock, as their plan was only to alter Draco's. Nott gave her a mischievous grin, "Well, we can't alter Malfoy's schedule without this."

That time, Pansy didn't want to admit his brilliance. She didn't think Nott could do something so ingenius. "How'd you even get this?" She asked.

"Well, I told Patil that I was hoping to be in more classes as Hargreeves. She knew that we were acquaintances, but she had doubts. I had to tell her some sort of unrealistic, love story and she eventually gave in."

The two of them began altering Draco and Hargreeves' timetables, putting the classes they shared together in different times.

"Let's work a little faster," Urged Nott, as he skimmed through the timetables, "I kind of told her I'd return it before sunrise."

Pansy and Draco didn't have any classes for the day. Now that they've settled in the school grounds, she was sure that he had began with his mission-- she no longer saw him around, and had to shoulder most of his Prefect responsibilities.

She enjoyed doing so, especially if it means that she could help him succeed. When Draco pours his dedication onto something, he would always give it all his time and effort. He was a true Slytherin at heart; highly determined and very sly. This was one of the reasons why he was the apple of her eyes.

However, covering up for Draco had her always exhausted. She sacrificied most of her time succumbing into her Prefect responsibilities, that she'd forgotten most of her lessons. Pansy was no good in terms of academia; she was slow, and had a hard time following the curriculum, along with everyone else. She had to consult the Slytherin's head of house regarding this, after a few complaints on her behaviour.

"You are a prefect, Parkinson, that is a fact. However, you are not a prefect while in class. There is no need to work on prefect duties and responsibilities in the time of your classes." Reprimanded Snape, after she was sent to his office for doing other things than learning.

"Professor, I'm simply having a hard time to manage these duties alone." Admitted Pansy, who looked down in shame. She didn't need to mention Malfoy, as she was certain that the professor knew what he was up to.

"Let Malfoy do what he wants to do. I permit you to appoint a new Prefect partner, but only if he allows to be hidden under Malfoy's name."

The same day, Pansy offered the position to Theodore Nott, who immediately agreed. Originally, she had considered to approach Blaise Zabini, but she didn't want him to overpower her authority. Zabini was a known snob; a naturally cruel type of person-- a trait he got from his bloodline. He was highly arrogant, yet, he appears to be elegant and sophisticated to most, which served as a facade from his true self. One trait the both of them shared was their hunger for power and authority, which was both an asset and a liability for her, if he was the one she chose to work with. Knowing his pride as well, Zabini wouldn't agree to take up a position that won't be named directly to him.

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