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( advice ! )


After her and Draco catching up, Halia proceeded into telling Draco what she needed advice on. "As I worked, my mother sent me this letter," She handed him the folded note her mother wrote to her, "It says that my father has agreed to reconsider about my disownment." Draco took a quick look in the letter and a sentence immediately caught him;

Your father agreed to take back your disownment, in one condition: You must surrender your full loyalty to the Dark Lord, serve him, and get a Dark Mark to prove it.

He noticed the sentences after that; That way, you can redeem yourself and your mistakes, and once again, bring back the glory to our family name that we have always had until you came along.

This is the only time we will give you a choice and I truly hope you would choose the right one. —Father

Draco's eyes widened, "You can't possibly be considering this, Halia. You've got to be kidding."

Halia bit her lip and looked down, "I don't know.. This is the only letter she sent me, and they're still waiting for my response. What do I do, Draco? I'm so lost."  She buried her face into her palms. 

Let's run away, he wanted to tell her, let's disappear, but instead, he said, "I'm no good at decision-making nor advices, but let them wait. You're not doing this too." Halia looked at him, her expression was a mix of surprise and sadness.

"What do you mean?" Halia asked him, frustration in her tone, "Draco, you didn't.. You didn't do it, right?" She asked, hoping he would say yes. He hoped for the same, but he couldn't bring himself to lie to her. Draco looked away in shame. He had to do it, for his family.

Halia grabbed his left arm and pulled his shirtsleeve up, revealing his dark mark. Draco pulled his arm away, still refusing to look at her. "I finally understand why my mother left you to fend for yourself. She thought you'd be displeased with me once I'm a death-eater. She stand corrected." He pulled down his sleeve, to hide his mark.

"I'm not displeased with you. I just-- I-, Why did you agree to this?" Halia questioned, holding both of his hands in the hopes to comfort him, "Draco, answer me."

"What choice do I have?" He asked her, "My family's name and honor depends on me. That's a heavy responsibility over my shoulders. I have no choice but to do this, but you do. Don't agree to it. You've already gotten used to living fine without them, why would you want them back now?" He sounded harsh, but it was the truth. Draco was chained to the Dark Lord because of his father, but Halia wasn't. He didn't exactly know why, but he couldn't let her suffer the same fate. He wanted to protect her, because she felt like she was the only person who truly cared for him.

"Maybe I wanted to experience having a good family." Halia admitted to him, "It's childish, but I want to be with them, even if they hurt me. I've been selfish enough after all these years, right?" 

"No. You saved yourself from them. They're horrible people. You aren't selfish for that." 

"I saved myself, but what about you? It feels like I pushed you further into this fate. If only I was there, I could have discouraged you--" Draco was about to say something when the entrance to the Astronomy Tower opened up, revealing a bright light which showed Pansy Parkinson. Draco figured she was fulfilling one of her Prefect duties, which is patrolling. Her jaw clenched upon seeing Draco and Halia standing beside each other; holding hands, too.

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