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( contemplations ! )


Draco was on his way to his next class, when he saw Parkinson heading back to their common room. In his peripheral vision, he saw her turn to him, but he continued walking as if she was nonexistent. He didn't have the energy to deal with her anymore, as he was already tired from the workload from school, and the work he has to do for the Dark Lord. He was about to take a turn, when his attention was caught by the commotion behind him.

"Nott." Called Parkinson aloud. He glanced at Nott, who stood beside Halia. Draco silently huffed at the sight of the both of them, as they were seatmates once again, just like before. He saw Halia lean towards the curly-haired Slytherin and began walking towards his direction.

Draco walked back to his original route, then back to the way going to the Slytherin Common Room. He was the first one to look Halia, who already saw him, "Hello." He greeted her, then walked past her; not bothering to hear her reply. Parkinson and Nott was gone from his sight.

He hurriedly ran to his common room. Lucky for him, he saw the both of them stop in front of the common room. Draco, then, quietly tuned into their conversation.

"...I thought we've already altered their timetables?!" Complained Parkinson.

"For how long have you been lying to me?! No wonder why Draco is still distracted from what he's meant to do!"

"How come it's such a big deal, Pans? It's only one class, and I'm there, with them. They're not isolated with each other." Nott argued, "Besides, they didn't even interact at all. I was distracting Hargreeves from noticing or talking about Malfoy at all!"

Parkinson seemed to have seen him, as he stood behind Nott. Draco's jaw clenced, before saying, "You both did what?"

Nott turned to him, his cheek slightly red. Parkinson pulled him back with her, and stared at Draco in shock.

"I said," Huffed Draco, "What the fuck did you both do!" He exclaimed, making the two of them flinch.

Nott hesitated for a moment, and Parkinson couldn't look him in the eye. Draco almost rolled his eyes in annoyance, but then Nott spoke.

"I tampered with your timetables. You weren't supposed to have any classes with me, nor Hargreeves." He admitted, making Draco scoff. He turned to Parkinson, whom he knew was the one who formulated the idea. Looking at them now, he figured the two of them are working in pairs in order to help him cover up his true intentions.

I don't need anyone. I don't need help. Were the only thoughts that echoed in his mind as he listened to them.

"She's only distracting you, Draco. I was only trying to help!" Before she could say another word, the common room's doorway opened up, revealing an annoyed Blaise Zabini, with his hands crossed against his chest.

"You all discuss this so loud." He told the group, "I could hear you all the way to the common room."

Zabini turned to him, "Pansy's right." He said, before looking at him right in the eyes-- his gaze was serious, and quite cold. "You're distracted, and it'll get you killed."

Draco glared at Zabini, as he walked away after his statement. He knew that that prick was right. His mission was important to him, but so was Halia. "You lot leave Hargreeves alone," He warned the two, "Leave her be. I'll manage with what I have to do, and there is no need to interfere with my academia." He added, referring to what Parkinson and Nott did.

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