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James started driving about forty miles over the speed limit.

"James! Do you want to get us killed?!"

He swerved violently to the left again, as you fumbled around for the seat belt.

"Where the hell is the seat belt, guys?!"
You panicked.

"Das teknicawwy my seat, ya'know! Da seat bewht is sized fo' me!"

"But there is no seat belt!"

"I wike to wihve wife on da dangerwous side!"

"That's the biggest lie, Meowth, you're basically a wimp."
James said.

"Hey I'm not-"

James swerved, this time on purpose.

"DAAAAHHHH! Swo it down, James!"

"My point exactly."

James smiled.

"You loons."

Jessie sighed.

"Y/N, the seat belt broke years ago after Meowth yanked it in a panic, which eventually made the whole belt rip off."

"Hey! Ish not my fauwt dat you guys don't know houdda dwive!"

"Huh, great."

You sighed and hung on to the ceiling handle for dear life as James continued swerving.

He started speeding on the wrong lane as he swiftly approached a car speeding right towards him.

Everyone started screaming, including James, as he sharply swerved to the right.

"Oh Arceus, I'm too young to die..."
You mumbled.

James kept swerving and narrowly avoiding accidents, as you kept your eyes on the road, unlike him.

"Ok Jessie, which way is home?"
James asked.

Jessie replied.

"Which right?"

"The one you just passed."

Jessie sighed.

"Nice goin, Jame-sh,"
Meowth said sarcastically.

"Oh, that right,"
James said as he turned the car around and went on the opposite lane without pulling over, in a sort of U-turn fashion, and took the right after almost missing it a second time.

The road slowly turned into a gravel trail to a dirt road as Jessie's house slowly appeared into view.

James pulled into the driveway and everyone stepped out of the van, Jessie carrying two canvas tote bags full of plastic packaged items.

"Jessie, just how much did you steal?"

You ask her while walking with the group to the front door.

"Oh, you know, about, -hmm- three thousands dollars worth?"

Everyone turned their head to look at Jessie.

You, Meowth, and James all shouted in unison.

"Oh please, it isn't saying much. Poke-mart prices have been increasing ever since the one in Kanto went bankrupt."

Jessie sighed.

"Jessie, the one in Kanto went bankrupt?!"
James exclaimed.

"Yes, James, that's what I said. After we stole their entire stock, they had nothing left to sell,"
Jessie explained.

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