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"You two back already? Jeez, give me a break."

Jessie smiled sarcastically.

"Actually, you're just in time. I have a new chore for you,"
Jessie said, glancing at you and James.

"James, how about you help Y/N sort their items in their room?"

Jessie winked at James, and you could see it in plain sight.

"U-uhm Jessie, I don't really think that's necessary-"

James smiled nervously.

"Oh no James, I insist,"
Jessie said through her teeth, ticked off.

"Oh alright Jessie..."

James followed you into your room, which was kind of awkward.

As soon as you closed your door, James started talking.

"Listen, Jessie wants me to steal your items and pokemon-"

"Yeah, I figured,"
you interrupted.

"But, I don't know if I want to anymore."

"But James, you're literally part of a-"

"Yeah, I know, Y/N, but I was thinking that maybe-...maybe you could join us?"

"J-James, I-I'm not a criminal..."
you stuttered.

"Y-yeah, but you could be..."
he said, looking away.

Suddenly, he took your hand and looked at you.

"Please, Y/N? I-...I don't want Jessie to just leave you stranded after she takes all of your stuff."

"But-but weren't you all in on the plan?"
You asked, confused.

"W-well, I was, but after a while, I just thought that maybe you would be...useful on our team, I guess..."
James said, and before you could respond, he started again.

"B-but I mean...y-you don't have to, if you don't want to join."

"Yeah, I guess Jessie would be pretty mad,"
you reasoned.

"James, you're acting weird. Weren't you just talking about confidence a couple minutes ago?"

"Well, y-yeah! You're right! I'm on the great Team Rocket! I shouldn't be worried! I'll...I'll just make you join!"

"Wait that's not what I-!!"

James took your hand and pulled you downstairs and into the kitchen where Jessie and Meowth were cooking.

"Jessie? I believe that Y/N should join Team Rocket!"
He exclaimed.

"James? Well this is certainly sudden, are you sure about this, James?"

Jessie looked at him, shocked.

"Yup, I'm completely sure, Jessie!"

James smiled, but you could tell he was nervous.

"Well, I guess we could use another member of the team, if you're that sure..."

Jessie looked at you.

"Okay, Y/N, are you sure you want to join our team? You haven't said anything yet."

You were surprised that Jessie was taking this so well.


James was staring into your eyes, which made you uncomfortable to say no.



James said as he pumped his fist up in the air, as you and Jessie watched him.

"Uh-I MEAN-It's great to have you on our team, Y/N, "
James said, trying to sound professional. Jessie snickered at this.

"Well, someones happy,"
Jessie said, glaring at James.

"Well, I'll tell the boss about it,"
Jessie said.


You were in your room when you heard Jessie call that dinner was ready.

She announced throughout the house.

When you got downstairs, Jessie was setting the table with plates. You sat at the same seat at the table as before, after you helped Jessie set the table.

"Oh dear Jessie, what kind of poison have you served us this evening?"
James joked.

"Oh, lighten up, I'm not that bad at cooking! It's kingler curry,"
Jessie said proudly. You were the first to try it.

"Jessie, this is great,"
You said with your mouth half full.

"You see, James? At least our new member is grateful,"
Jessie teased.

"Oh fine, I'll try it..."

James took a bite, and then started aggressively scarfing down the curry.

"Yeah, I don' tink it's dat bad eiver! I, purrsonawy, tink it's gweat!"
Meowth said, taking a spoonful.


After dinner, James insisted on saying goodnight to Totodile.

"Please, Y/N? He's just too cute, I want to see him one last time."

"Oh, alright..."

You and James sat on your bed, your shoulders touching, close next to each other, and James brought Hoppip with him, since Hoppip and Totodile seemed like good friends.

Hoppip and Totodile played and danced on the bed while you and James watched them, enjoying their friendship.

You started talking.


"I'm really....I'm really glad I joined Team Rocket with you."

"Y-yeah, I-...I'm glad you joined, Y/N,"
James replied.

"Why...Why did you want me to join, anyway?"
You asked James curiously.

"B-because I...I really...uhm..."

James was suddenly nervous.

"I really like you, Y/N."

He looked away awkwardly.

"I really like you too, James."

James x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now