Chapter 6: Oni the father?

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I was taking Eri to the park so she can have fun. Once we get there I let her loose and go to sit on the bench nearby.

Y/n: *sigh*

As I watch Eri she is having trouble communicating with the other kids but there are a few that she can talk well with.

Y/n: she was cheated out of a proper childhood and is just now getting to truly be a kid her age

Time skip 1 hour

Eri: papa can we go I'm tired?

Y/n: yes little one. Did you have fun?

Eri: mhm I made some friends!

Eri then gave me a million watt smile.

Y/n: that is good let us go

I pick Eri up and put her on my shoulder. As we walk home I get the regular look of fear but occasionally I would get someone 'aww' at me and Eri.

Random: that's so cute. Whoever he has is a lucky lady

I ignore their weird remarks but Eri seemed intrigued by these comments but kept it to herself.

Y/n: what a bunch of weirdo's

Just then a group of heros walk up to me.

Hero #1: halt Oni we will take you down!

Hero #2: look he has a child!

Hero #3: did you take this child

I give them a glare filled with intent to kill. Then in the coldest tone I could muster

Y/n: Move

Safe to say they were shitting bricks. One smelled like it too.

Hero #3: uh oh

Hero #2: y-you don't scare us

Hero #1: y-yeah we won't lose

Eri the grabs the top of my head worried

Y/n: Eri I need you to go sit over there for a moment

I put Eri down and she runs over to a light pole and stands behind it just barely pecking out from it.

Y/n: you bastards scared my daughter I'll kill you

One of the heros takes a step back.

Hero #3: h-hey man I think we are in over our heads

Hero #2: we can't back down from evil

The first and second hero rush in.

Y/n: *sigh* ammeters

I sling Akuma off my back and jab the one of the heros with the end of it.

Hero #2: AHH!

He goes flying back to were he started

Hero #3: bro are you ok? Shit he's already knocked out!?

The first hero stops Infront of me and turns his head to the other two.

Hero #1: What!?

Y/n: never turn your back on a enemy

He turn back around as I Sparta kick him in the chest knocking him.

Y/n: weaklings a bunch of kids put up a better fight then you

Just then four police cruisers pull up and out steps 9 officers.

Officer: we have you surrounded hands up

Eri: PAPA!

I quickly turn to Eri who was grabbed by one of the officers.

The Ruthless Villain: Oni (mha x malereader) *Cancelled*Where stories live. Discover now