Pillows Can't Compare

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Note: Just a little context for some details in this shot, Robin was kidnapped, but escaped and killed the Grabber. Finney was never taken.
Inspired by a fic called The Results by muahhh1. It's super cute, give it a read!
Word count: 1,277

Finney once again found himself taking the journey to his boyfriend's home, the cool evening air covering his path. He was surprised he'd been allowed to go over again. He'd been staying the night pretty often, at least every couple of days. If he'd even tried doing this a couple years ago, he wouldn't have gotten the result he wanted. However, nowadays, he and his sister were given a lot more freedom than before, and were treated much better by their father.

To be clear, their dad was still drinking, and he would still yell at them from time to time, but both actions were becoming less and less frequent by the day. Terrance, their father, had softened up to the two of them after Robin's kidnapping, especially Finney.

But the biggest influence in Terrance's change in behavior was probably due to how vehemently the two siblings had started standing up for themselves while Robin was missing. They'd yell at their father together about how they were already facing enough in missing a friend, and that he wasn't doing anything to help find him. And anytime he'd try to hurt them, they'd run off, even despite the kidnapping threat. And if he tried to hurt them upon their return, they'd stay out for even longer.

All of these actions really opened Terrance's eyes to how his children viewed him, and how he was hurting them with how he acted, so he started putting in work to change. It was appreciated by the Blake kids, but they refused to praise their father for what he was doing, as it was something they had a right to expect from him.

Once Finney realized the thoughts running through his head, he immediately put them aside. Now was not the time for thinking about his father, or what happened with Robin. He's here now, and he has invited Finney over to stay the night, and both boys couldn't be more excited.

Finney didn't bother knocking, the relationship between the boys had developed to the point that he could just open the door and walk in. "Robin?" he called. The boy he summoned immediately ran out of his bedroom and jumped to hug his boyfriend. They greeted one another, laughing in a way that would probably get them beat up by some of the more masculine boys at school.

"I really, really missed you," Robin said, planting a kiss on the brunette's cheek.
"It's been, like, four days," Finney pointed out.
"The fact that you don't see a problem with that is worrying to me, babe."
They laughed a little longer, then stopped abruptly as Robin brought up another matter, "Oh, look at this!"

Robin walked to his fridge and pulled out a large Tupperware container of spaghetti, and a smaller container of marinara sauce and set them on the counter. "Mi mamá made this for us yesterday. I told her I could do it, but she insisted because I'm a 'pésimo cocinero,'" he physically quoted.

Finney stepped towards the counter to examine the food. "What's that mean?" he asked.
"It means I can't cook for shit," he chuckled.
Finney laughed. "Aw, babe," he put a hand on Robin's cheek. "She's right," he said with sarcastic sympathy. Robin punched his boyfriend in the arm, accidentally hurting him more than intended. Robin really doesn't know his own strength.

The boys joked back and forth a bit more, as the conversation slowly quieted down. Robin stared at the two plastic containers, his smile falling. "She was exhausted yesterday. She usually sleeps all Saturday, but..." he put a hand on the lid of the pasta, "she got out of bed just to make us food so we wouldn't have to order pizza. Well, so we wouldn't have to, and, pizza's expensive, you know?" he kept his eyes pinned to the food.

"Robin..." Finney whispered. He walked closer to the other boy and put his hands on his waist. Robin held the brunette's arms. He cracked an uncomfortable smile, "Sorry, I-I just don't like when she works on her day off."
"You don't have to apologize, baby," Finney said softly. "You're mom's amazing. Tell her I said thanks for the food."

Robin wiped his eye against his shoulder, erasing the tears that had developed. He nodded "I will." He was barely audible, but Finney could hear his voice breaking. He wrapped his arms around the other's back, and Robin brought his arms up around Finney's neck. They held their hug for a minute while Robin's breathing steadied. Once he was calm, they separated only far enough to kiss one another. They held their kiss even longer, but eventually pulled away completely. Silently, Robin set himself on the food, beginning to prepare both containers for the microwave, and Finney took the responsibility of setting the table.

* * *

By the time the boys finished eating, it was dark out, so they started up the television. They began their usual session with Enter the Dragon, then quickly switched to horror movies, Texas Chainsaw Massacre being the first they watched, obviously.

Robin lay across the couch, with Finney laying in between his legs, his head on the other's chest and his arms wrapped tightly around his boyfriend. The thin brunette was just about to pass out from staying up so late, despite the fact that they were at the intensely gory climax of the film they were currently watching.

Finney yawned and buried his face into Robin's chest. Robin turned the TV down a few clicks, then sighed. "This seriously doesn't scare you?" he asked, gesturing to the screen. Finney looked at the screen, seeing the main character narrowly escape being slashed, then lazily placed his chin back on Robin's chest.
"I mean, yeah, it's pretty scary, but it's not anything I'm that's going to make me loose sleep."

Robin scoffed, "Well, sure, but it doesn't even creep you out a little? Like, it doesn't make you need to check your closet before you lay down, or fall asleep staring at that one dark corner in your room, or anything? Anything at all?"
Finney yawned again. "No, not really."

Robin rolled his eyes. "Why not?"
Finney shrugged. "I don't know, it's not real."
"No shit its not real, it's a movie."
"No, I mean, it's not real horror," Finney clarified.
Robin tilted his head.
"You know," Finney lifted himself up, "movies with monsters and stuff like that just aren't scary. I..." he tightened the hold he had on Robin. "I-I know those things can't hurt me. Real scary movies have, you know, real threats."

"Like serial killers and kidnappers, right?" Robin asked, scratching his fingernails against one another.
Finney's face filled with guilt. "I-I'm sorry Robin. I shouldn't have—"
"No, it's okay, I asked." Robin shrugged, "Anyway, your right. Those were the scariest few days of my life."
Finney sat up, looking down at his hands that firmly gripped Robin's shirt. "I want to talk about something else."

Robin could clearly see how uncomfortable his boyfriend was, and sat up along with him. "O-Okay," he said quietly, "me too." Finney felt so selfish. Robin's the one who got kidnapped. He had to kill the Grabber. Finney should be taking care of him.

Robin put his hands on the brunette's shoulders. "Te quiero con todo mi corazón, Finn," he kissed him on the cheek. Finney smiled, picking up 'I love you' from the statement. "I love you, too." He wrapped his arms around Robin's waist, pulling himself closer to the other. They shared a kiss, then separated to look into one another's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Robin."
"So am I."

The Black Phone One Shots (Robin x Finney)Where stories live. Discover now