my ex's ex and a beach trip

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Eran is coming down stairs 2 days later in a suit , looking like his ready to go for work.

Can: and where do you think you are going in that suit brother ...or did you feel like coming for breakfast all dressed up, as far as am concerned you're suppose to be nowhere near work or leaving this house for another 2 days 

Eran: can come on , i have been down for 3 days i feel good now i need to ...go see whats happening at the company

Can: heard what the doctor. Said .resting means resting ...i already called your people and sorted out your work for the week don't forget i spent 2 years helping at the company and my line of study for my first degree centres  around your work , i have already sorted out your work for the last 2 days and had the meeting with our new partners as the vice President,there are your documents and files

Eran: can i just pass by make sure everything is..fine...i promise i won't be long

Can: would you like me to lock you up in the house while i go for work...dear brother cause i can

Eran: okay okay ..understood am going to change ...but you can't go to work either you asked for 4 days to take care of me

Can: eran that's completely two different...


Can: eran really...

Eran: ah shit...i think...m

Can: fine...10 calling your secretary to make sure you're out in 10 minutes

Eran: she would never

Can: you and i both know she don't even try to do your tricks , you still aren't fully recovered

Eran: yes boss

Eran kisses can on the head and grabs his car keys on the way out

20 minutes later can gets himself ready and rushes downstairs to go to the office when he finds tin's car coming into their drive way ..

is that he .. can gets out of his car  to see who it is and sure enough tin comes out of the car

Can: tin?! I mean sir..what are you doing here ...did something happen at the office

Tin: good morning  can ..calm down nothing happened at the office i came to see how your brother was doing ...s

Can: oh his feeling much better ..his stubborn ...the doctor told him to rest but he still decided to go to the office

Tin: where are you going ...

Can: ihmm i was on my way to the office i wanted to check if you needed some help

Tin:  no need to come everything is sorted ..and the company is on a one week break we are celebrating our 8 years anniversary

Can: oh ..i didn't know that ..congratulations sir

Tin:  you can just call me tin outside the office this is for you ..

Can: what is this plan ticket for ..

Tin: we are going for a beach trip outside the city for some days to relax that okay ..with you...since you're still taking care og your brother i was hoping you would catch up with us later .

As they were chatting eran arrives and quickly gets out of the car and goes to his little brother

Tin: eran

Eran: tin ..

Can: you know each other ?! But last time...i thought you said ...huh!?

Eran: his an asshole and a womanizer whose  been in every panties is Bangkok yes

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