Naruto Shippuden The Movie: Bonds, Part 3

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

I walk next to Akai and Jet through the dense jungle as we search for the villagers, my wolves sniffing for their scents. Hinata, Sakura and I decided to split off to cover more ground.

"Anything?" I ask after what feels like a long time.

Akai says, "Not the villagers you mentioned, but... I do smell Naruto and Sakura."

"So do I," Jet adds.

"Okay. I should see if they've discovered anything," I mutter before I turn and leap after my wolves as they lead the way. I reach a clearing that's covered in mist and spot Sakura and Naruto down below. "Sakura! Naruto!"

They turn to see me, Akai and Jet heading towards them.

"Kimi-chan, Jet, Akai," Greets Naruto. "I thought you were out searching with Sakura and Hinata?"

I say, "We split up. Anyway, why'd you stop looking? What are you doing out here?" I tilt my head curiously.

"Kimi-chan, Sakura-chan, Jet, Akai, check it out," Says Naruto as he points ahead. I narrow my eyes when what look like ruins protrude from the mist.

 I narrow my eyes when what look like ruins protrude from the mist

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Sakura questions as we step forwards, "What is that?"

Naruto answers while dropping his arm, "My guess is those are the ruins old man Shinno was talking about."

I suggest, "We should go investigate." My teammates agree and we make for the ruins."

We arrive and gaze around at the ancient ruins. More fog covers the area. My wolves' noses twitch as we pause.

"M' Lady," Says Akai wearily.

I nod my head as I spot a figure stepping out of the fog ahead, a shadow over their eyes.

I was surprised to find it was Amaru.

Naruto states, just as surprised as I am, "Amaru! Hey, what are you doing out here?" Sakura, my wolves and I go up to the Uzumaki as Amaru stops before us. She raises her head, and her eyes flash red.

I stiffen as my wolves get in front of me protectively, growling lowly, and Naruto holds out his arm for Sakura to halt.

"I am the Zero Tails," Stayes Amaru in a monotonous tone. "When conflict rages in the world, and human hearts are overtaken by darkness, I am born anew."

Sakura demands, "What are you talking about?!"

I demand, glaring, "Amaru, what's wrong with you?!"

Amaru says, in that same monotonous tone, "I consume the darkness of meme souls," An image of a giant worm thing flickers in and out of view around the redhead, "rise up, and grow," The image reappears, "gathering limitless strength... so that this world will be ruled by darkness." A second, much deeper voice, mingles with Amaru's.

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