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I REALLY did not want to write this.

Yeah, this is going on hiatus, I really didn't want to bc ik once my projects go on hiatus, they rarely ever come off. This might just get discontinued. Don't wait for another chapter.

One of the reasons I'm stopping is because I'm BUSY. I have a job, and school is starting soon and I have not done ANY of my summer homework yet, it's my dad's birthday tomorrow, I'm going on vacation soon and I am CONSTANTLY babysitting my brother, I can't keep using my free time to chip away at chapters. But to be honest, the biggest reason I'm putting this on hiatus is I don't enjoy writing it anymore, and as you can pretty clearly tell from the drop in my writing quality, I haven't for a while. I should've stopped earlier and maybe this would've had a little more hope to get finished, but I didn't, I procrastinated and half assed my chapters to make something that I am not very proud of. I tried to make it last, I tried to pace myself so I wouldn't burn out but I did anyways.

We had a good run.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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