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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Jin was just about to order another drink before he was stopped by the same voice.

"Hello there!" Jin's brow raised again just like before and he looked at the owner of the sound.

The male's voice was pretty nice and cheerful. He even had a slight innocence in his voice. Since he wasn't really in the mood of going on with a conversation right now, he decided on ignoring him and turning to the bartender before asking him for another really strong drink.

The peach-haired male still had his dimpled smile regardless of being completely overlooked.

"Not the talkative much, are you?" He commented.

Jin was still not replying instead just looking at anything but the dude. He was just waiting for the moment when would give up and go away. The other person just pouted but tried his best to get the conversation started regardless of being super bad at it.

"I also wanted to say that, you looked really pretty when I first saw you from the entrance and you look even prettier close-up." After saying that he grinned mischievously

Since Jin easily loses his patience with annoying people, he lost it this time as well.

"I didn't ask for your damn opinion," He spoke in an ice-cold voice, though, still not looking at the annoying lad. He also didn't mind cursing at him, because he wanted him to truly know that his presence was not appreciated. Though the male sitting beside him still didn't give up, he just pouted.

"But it was just a compliment-"

"And I don't LIKE getting compliments unless I actually wanted to hear them. So don't even dare state your FAKE opinion." Jin retorted with a stern voice and finally turned his head to look at him.

At first, it was obvious that the person was surprised, but then, it seemed as if he was getting amused by his reaction, due to the slight smirk he had on his handsome face.

"First of all, I genuinely meant it. Second...what if I DO dare compliment you? What are you to do then?"

The smirk on his face just got wider and cockier. He even slightly shifted closer to Jin while deeply staring into his dark chocolate eyes. Jin obviously scooted away and still had that fierce coldness in his intense gaze on the male, who was actually slightly taller than him. At this point, he was ready to kill this guy if he could for no specific reason.

"If I could, then I would definitely take a thick needle and stitch your lips tightly together, with a metal string that is. And I mean it, you see" Jin revealed lowly without caring about what his reaction would be.

Because well, one thing I will tell you is that Jin could understand people very easily just by looking at them. And this man seemed like the type who was more of a two-faced bastard. So well, Jin decided to shoot his shot and see if he would freak out. Which, well...he didn't even do anything close to that.

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