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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Hell. It is a place that most humans prefer not to go to. Hell, it is the dark side of the universe. It is the place where all the evil sinister in this universe originates from. The greatest and greatest of demons, monsters, dark angels, and devils live there. Darkness is what is there. Not a single soul there is pure, like obviously.

When hell is mentioned, most people think it's just filled with lava, filled with darkness, and is not even close to being called beautiful because perhaps everything is in the ruins over there. But well, that's actually not true. Yes, it's mostly dark over there, but well, it is still beautiful...in a deadly way that is.

Most of the time there is complete darkness in the sky, with the two moons being up high. The dark grey clouds are present for the most part. The entire dark world is way more extraordinary than anybody could ever imagine.

There are many volcanoes, charcoal black mountains, and dark oceans that reflect the light of the moon. There are dark humongous flowers that are the size of your faces, trees that are as long as the tallest buildings in the world. There IS beauty here, but all of it...is just filled with venom.

The oceans are filled with only dangerous marine animals. The flowers are capable of biting your entire arm off. The trees are able to pull you deep into the soil and make you part of their thick roots. Everything here was fascinating but pure destructive nature hid behind their beauty.

Now came the kingdoms and castles where the dark angels and devils lived. The kingdoms were like a vintage towns from the mediaeval era. It was completely aesthetic and elegant. Fire torches were on every single wall. The walls were made out of extremely thick stone to give that same vintage vibe. Most of the people were always dressed in unique lavish clothing which was obviously dark. Regardless of being so dirty and cruel morally, they were all the types who prefer to live in pure luxury. But of course, the devils, or may we say the dark lords and princes, were on top of the luxury.

The palace of the greatest kingdom in hell was made out of black charcoal-coloured stones which were topped with dark blood-red gems. All the palaces were thoughtfully designed with beauty spewing out of them regardless of the permanent darkness. Looking at the castles, you could have never guessed that the most sinister of souls built something like these.

Now in the same, greatest kingdom and palace that was in the central part of hell, there was one devil...who was just beyond enraged.

The entire palace was shivering in fear and keeping pin-drop silence. Because...when devil Levinor was infuriated...the complete palace would be in the alarm of getting their heads slashed in less than split seconds.

Levinor walked through the castle corridors with his eyes open wide with anger. He was still in his party clothes from before, but now he was furiously walking with a huge hammer in his hands.

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