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Author's POV

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Author's POV

3 Days Later

The sun was high up in the sky. The small white puffy clouds were scattered across it. The rays of the shining sun reached the entire city and lit it up. The wind flew by and carried a small amount of dust with it as it ran throughout the entire place. It was indeed a beautiful late Friday afternoon.

The Han river was glistening in all its glory as the cars drove by on the bridge right above it. On the same road, there was a specific black Bugatti Noir, which carried two certain males, whom we know very well.

Yoongi was driving a fumingly mad and pouty Jin to the most expensive restaurant in the city which was right near the Han river itself.

How do they have the time to go off work right now? Well, you see, Jin recently just finished an ongoing case which was a seemingly phenomenal case currently nation-wide. And today was when the case was finished and officially closed. So Jin got to get off work quickly.

But Yoongi took that to his advantage, by forcing Jin to go to the restaurant in the 'celebration' of it. Yoongi, obviously took a day off from work, he had already helped many clients this week, anyways, so it was fine. Jin, on the other hand, was very aware that his best friend for a FACT wasn't only taking him there for a celebration but also because of the said meet up they fixed up with Joon.

Out of rage at Yoongi's trick, he tried to stop the lad from driving, which resulted in them nearly crashing at least 3 times on the long highway. Regardless of being a criminal mastermind, Jin really could be a baby, couldn't he?

"Ok Jin, I know you're mad, but come on, it's just socialising with a few people and chilling out for a bit-"

"I can NOT chill out when there is going to be a random stranger and that fucking animal that I hate the most coming over there, MIN YOONGI!" He fumed at the said male with wrath and rage.

Yoongi finally sighed with exhaustion, he was actually physically fatigued too, by how much he had to drag his surprising pig of a friend. Jin might look thin and a little lanky but the man was about the weight of a fucking elephant, goddamit

"Well, suck it up, tiger, you got no choice. Do it for me-"

"Oh fuck off already!"

The ride after those few words was completely silent, but there was obviously a deep frown on the younger's face throughout the next 30 minutes to the place. Yoongi truly wondered if Jin was having a headache by frowning so MUCH, at this point.

At the Restaurant.

The two early males, who were slightly earlier than the decided time, were currently seated on their reserved seats that were right next to an elegant window with antique mesmerising borders.

The restaurant was gigantic, a place that looked like a grand palace's dining area, to be specific. The ceilings were up high, hanging elegant yet fairly small chandeliers at every 5 metres of distance. The walls were crafted skillfully with attention given to every single intricate detail of it and the pillars around it. Both the ceilings and walls had paintings of a very fascinating landscape of mountains in a pleasant hue of warm colours.

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