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The letters
The sun rose slowly over the sky, light shining over the green and white wooden two story house belonging to a family, seemingly normal, yet more hectic than most. The parents, Poppy and Claus Evans, were as normal as a person could be--Mrs. Evans is a tall long necked woman with bouncy blonde hair and pretty emerald green eyes to match. Her hands are delicate and thin, despite the fact their constantly dirty either from gardening or baking various goods. Mr. Evans on the other hand is, while a good foot over Mrs. Evans 5 foot 7, quite lean with bright red hair and brown eyes, laugh lines showing at the corner of each eye. They have three daughters, all three having been raised to be the best of friends--until the letters arrived. It was on the bright early morning of July 28th, 1971 when Lily Evans, the youngest daughter, waited for her younger twin in the dining room. Lily was stern and responsible for an eleven year old girl with straight red hair and green eyes that shone like emeralds, a green flowery dress sitting just above her knees. "Come on Robyn! Hurry up!" Lily called in frustration, relaxing when one of her two older sisters came into view. The oldest is Petunia, who has long blonde hair and brown eyes, though she was up in her room talking on her phone to her friends. Robyn Evans was short, just under Lily's 5 foot, though she's always been on the shorter side. However she makes up for it with her bad temper and charming grin. Her eyes were large and dark navy blue, like twin sapphires, and her hair bright red like a cupcake--much redder than lily's which could just pass for ginger. Robyn was the paler of the two, though she's also the more daring one, while Lily is practical. Their two halves of one whole. "Slow down Lily-Babe--we have a whole hour until we meet Severus at our tree!" Robyn sighed exasperated. She, unlike Lily, wore a pair of bellbottom jeans and a baggy Beatles shirt, a black biker jacket over her shirt and a pair of black converse sneakers on her feet. Lily rolled her eyes. "I know but we need breakfast and then we have to find that potions book Sev lent us and then we--" Robyn covered her older sisters mouth with a breathless grin. "Calm down Lily-Babe, We have a HOUR. The book is on you're bookshelf and we can grab a bowl of cornflakes from the cupboard!" Robyn sighed more than amused by her big sisters behavior. Lily rolled her eyes, hating how laid back Robyn always was. Grabbing her little sisters arm Lily led her over to the cupboard, grabbing them both a bowl each--one red and one green. Robyn grabbed the cereal from the bottom cupboard along with two spoons, pouring in the cereal while Lily put in the sugar and milk. It was how they were--always doing things together like this, no matter how much they fought. They were best friends. "So what does Sevvy-Darling need now anyway--other than our fabulous redheaded company?" Robyn wondered taking her red bowl to the island, sitting on a stool to eat. Lily did the same rolling her eyes at her sisters behavior. "Why do you think Sev needs anything?" Robyn snorted into her cereal quickly swallowing. "Sevvy ALWAYS needs something--'Lily can you show me your Flower trick' or 'Robyn can you not put spiders in my hair' or 'Lily can you please come to our tree so we can read potions books' or 'Robyn can you stop gelling my hair while I'm trying to read'," Robyn drawled and Lily pinched her trying to not laugh, though she was frustrated. Lily knows Robyn and Severus are close and she loves him as a brother, but she doesn't like all the pranks her little sister pulls on her best friend. "Come on Rob--lets just go early--" Lily's sentiment was cut off by a loud hoot and a bang. Looking up the twins found themselves staring at a large spotted owl pecking the window above their kitchen sink. Lily screamed but Robyn just watched the creature curiously. She stepped forwards but Lily grabbed her arm. "Robyn--it's AN OWL! It could attack you!" She warned heatedly but Robyn shook her off. "Nah--I think it wants to come in. Maybe it's hungry?" That said she unlatched the window. The owl swooped in landing on the kitchen table. Looking at it curiously the twins stepped forwards. Robyn untied the letters on it's ankle while Lily pushed her bowl forward nervously letting it drink up her cereal. Handing Lily the letter adressed to her Robyn tore hers open, eyes wide.

To Miss. Robyn Evans
You are hereby accepted at Hogwarts school
Of witchcraft and wizardry.
Term starts on September 1st
Send an owl with you're answer no later than July 30th,
Albus Dumbledore
Deputy Headmaster

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