Chapter Eight- Of tears and Memories

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Sirius's POV

"What're we going to do?" Remus asked as we all stood by Peters bed, Robyn fast a sleep on mine. I never thought I see her again, and now she's sleeping on my bed after sobbing in my arms. At first I figured everything would be fine when I saw her--that we could maybe be friends this time...But then I saw those big blue eyes of hers and that little smirk and I realized, despite the fact it's been five years, I still had feelings for her. Over the last week they seemed to be getting stronger--I liked her more then before, if possible. It hurt to know she was trying to push us all out, but it hurt more to know she was going through something so bad that she'd freak out like she had. Remus said she was having a panic attack, and it sounds bad enough. "What can we do?" James asked and Remus sighed. "I tried talking to her in potions--I doubt she's tell us what happened to her. She can draw you know--really well." I blinked looking over at The sleeping Robyn in surprise. She was different from before, more closed off. Something in me wanted to be the one to knock down those walls. That day she left was the worst day if my life, and I've had some pretty bad ones. Even though she hated me I felt like...I don't know what I felt but when she hugged me and kissed my cheek I knew I had a chance with her that is never get. It hurt. Now she's back and I know I can't make a move until I find out what happened the first time--until I learn about the new Robyn Evans. Suddenly I heard a whimper and we all turned around to see Robyn holding my sheets, face screwed up. Ignoring the others I walked over and sat next to her, brushing the hair from her eyes. "Robyn? Cara Mia, it's ok." I murmured surprised when her hand came up and gripped my arm. Her face seemed to relax as she tugged me over and wrapped her arms around my waist, nuzzling her head into my.neck. the guys smirked at me and I blushed flipping them off. That sorted I lay down next to her and held her to my chest, surprised at how good it felt. Like a weight had lifted off my chest. It was like a shot of relief. Robyn sighed softly, a smile sliding into her face as she hugged me in Ber sleep. Glad she was feeling better I pissed her forehead and settled back, watching her face as she smiled in her sleep. "I think she'll be ok." Remus murmured to James, the two of them obviously watching us, though I ignored them, settling in to sleep.

Robyns POV

Arms held me in place when I woke up and I waited for the panic to hit me, though it didn't. I blinking mg eyes open in confusion I found myself being hugged from behind, my own arms wrapped around another pair across my stomach. My heart sped up and I tried to control my breathing even as I tensed. Peering behind me I relaxed seeing Sirius fast a sleep. O was spooning with Sirius? Yet another thing I never thought I'd ever do. The events of yesterday came rushing back and I gulped knowing the guys would want answers. Wriggling slightly I tried to get up only to be pulled face first into Sirius's chest, my eyes level to his which were closed in sleep. Looking down I could see a small smile curving his lips. Dis his lips always look so...soft. I gulped feeling an odd sensation I couldn't describe. I got the urge to kiss him, but I knew the second I did he'd wake up and...and then what? I doubt he likes me anymore, not like THAT. Wait--why would I care? Do Sirius? "Morning Love." Sirius's lips moved and I looked up quickly, blushing when I realized Sirius had caught me staring at his lips. A small amused smirk rested on his face and I gulped. "Uh...goodmorning?" He chuckled moving over so I y on top of him, his hands holding my waist. My body felt weird, but good. Very good. "Come on, after last night I think you can call me Sirius." He said in his husky morning voice obviously hopeful and I tried to not find his voice as hot as, apparently, the rest of him had become while I was gone. "Sirius." I murmured and he looked at me wide eyed obviously not thinking I'd take the bait. "Thank you...Sirius." he smiled fucking a Piece of hair behind my ear making me shiver. "You're welcome Robyn." I found myself looking into his eyes of a moment before breaking the connection, rolling over to sit up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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