Six: To Class Oz

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September 2nd, 1977

Ignoring my dormmates I spent the day before classes hiding in the library--who knew Hogwarts has one of those things?--Playing myself at chess. Somehow I lost and somehow I won but I don't remember if I was white or black so...really I managed four inconclusive games in a row. In otherwords anyone who saw me had pity in their eyes. Compassionate jerks. I don't need their pity--I'm fine. Fine-ish. Changing into a pair of grey ripped jeans, my white button up with the sleeves rolled to the elbows, my Gryffindor tie, and my combats I left my hair down putting on my eyeliner and lip gloss--really I wear less make-up then some men. I'm not kidding. Muggles and wizards are weird all the same to me. Leaving the dorm with my book bag full of ink, quills and parchment I made my way into the common room, slowing my pace slightly when I noticed Lily scolding James by the fireplace, Sirius, Remus and Peter watching in mild amusement. I felt a tug of longing but the second they noticed me I took off for the portrait. "Wait! M.J!" James called but I'd already ducked out, almost tripping on my way down the stairs in my haste. Not wanting to see anyone still but not having a choice I walked into the Great hall, sitting alone at the end of the table. Pulling my leatherbound book from my bag I grabbed a pen and cracked it open, scratching down a few words to a song I wrote when I was twelve after I left. It's about Lily, not that she'll EVER hear it. I have a few songs--Raven taught me to express myself in music. She taught me vocals and Christian and I broke more guitar strings then I'd care to announce to the world. Even so I was never happier then when I was blushing at a Muggle music store, buying new strings. Not having the stomach for food I turned the page and randomly sketched a picture of a bubble bursting. I don't know why but I've always liked bubbles. I'm yet to find a spell to make them not pop but watch me! I could see Severus across the hall and I stopped worriedly to see him hanging around...His group. The thought made me feel blind in my panic but I pushed it away. He graduated in my fifth year--I'm safe. Lily's safe. Steadying my breathing I looked away feeling hopeless yet angry. Alice owled me with what Severus said to Lily--I felt like yelling at him but where would that get me? Lily? It would embarress and annoy her and I'd look like an ass. No--best I stay far far away from it all. Shaking my head I collected my schedual from McGonagall, heading off to charms with an uneasy smile. Sitting in the back I placed my things on the desk glad that my book bag connects to my suitcase so I don't need to worry about going to get my books. The class soon filed in and I was frustrated to see Sirius and James saunter in. Seeing me they made a bee line, James sitting to my left and Sirius my right. "Hey Robyn-Love," Sirius greeted smirking and James smiled. "Hey Lil' red--you'll never believe the Heads common room--" raising my eyebrows I cut him off with a wave of my hand. "What exactly do you two think you're doing?" Sirius smirked. "Well Cara Mia--I was thinking you and me could go for a stroll of the castle--refresh you're memory?" He winked and I scowled. "Shuddup Black--what the hell are you two doing?" They shared a glance and I crossed my arms in annoyance. "We're proving to you that everything CAN be the way it was," James told me stubbornly and I groaned resting my head in my arms. "You two are idiotic--please leave me alone," I murmured into my arms. After a moment I heard a pop and peered up. I had to laugh seeing Sirius and James pretending to pop each other. Hey--I found a bubble I can't pop, their egos. "You guys are morons," I told them still laughing into my hand and they shared grins. "You still upset now?" James asked obnoxiously pulling the dumbest faces. That made me saddened and my chest hurt. I rubbed my shoulder wincing. "I was never mad at you--you just have to go away and never speak to me again so Lily's not hurt," I told them mentally cursing myself. I need to know when to close my mouth. They shared confused glances. "Why would Lily be hurt?" I shrugged ignoring their question, head down as I pretended to check my chipped nails for more chips. The lesson flew by, we did a levatation charm to transport pillows to revise stuff and things, and I was one of the first people out of the room, making my way to the Great hall when I tripped. My books fell from my arms, only charms, Tranfiguration, Divination and Herbology, and I scowled hearing some snooty girl laugh as I sat up on the floor. "Real funny, laugh it up Blondie!" I called and she laughed walking off with her friends. Rolling my eyes I gathered up my books, though a hand darted out and grabbed my Herbology book before I could. Looking up I was surprised to see Sirius smirking at me. The girl wasn't laughing anymore. I felt beat fill my face."Thanks Black," I said, confused to why my heart was racing my my palms felt sweaty, as he helped me to my feet and handed me my book, James, Remus and Peter a few feet away seeming amused by something. My arm felt hot where he'd helped me up and I felt nervous butterflies litter my stomach. Sirius grinned. "You're welcome Cara Mia--wanna walk to lunch with the guys and I?" I chewed my lip, quickly shaking my head, surprised to feel reluctant to do so. "Sorry but I'm not hungry--uh..." Seeing the look of disappointment on his face I felt an appologetic smile curve my lips. "I'm sorry." I was sure he could see the double meaning in the word but I didn't stick around to find out. walking off without another word I turned and hurried off to the library, hiding in the back of the room with a bag of salty pretzels and a bottle of ice coffee. Finishing quickly I made paper airplanes and annoyed Madam Pince until she eventually kicked me out. Laughing I let my plane float along using my wand to control it. Of course with my luck I barreled right into a tall figure who managed to step on my plane. "Hey!" I called and looked up frowning to see the tall dark haired figure of Frank Longbottom. He seemed surprised to see me. Oh right--not many people know I'm here. "Oh--Robyn, hey--nice to see you're back," I smiled finding his nervous demeanor sweet. He and Alice are perfect for each other. "Hello Frank--you have Herbology right?" He nodded not following and I sighed. "Thank Godric--I'm awful at anything with plants--mind being my partner?" He shrugged. "Sure, if you don't mind us working with Alice?" I shook my head. "Why would I? Now come on wizard--to Oz!" He seemed confused but I didn't give him the time to ask, dragging him towards the greenhouses. He killed my plane--the least the guy can do is help a girl get an A. Or an E--and E would be nice.

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