Two: Reunions aren't so happy

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August 24th, 1977

Three days after my Aunt and Uncle had been burried I sat in the dining room alone eating my lunch, a vegimite sandwich and a goblet of creaming soda. I wore a pair of grey jeans, black knee high lace combat boots, and a white 'I put the Hot in Psychotic' hoodie--my hair down and curly around my face. Finishing my sandwich I took a sip of my goblet sadly. Everyone left that afternoon and ever since I've felt this weight on my chest. Loneliness I suppose. In their will Uncle Christian and Aunt Raven left me the house and their fortune in Gringotts, but to be honest I'd trade it all for them to come back. Because of all this I'm leaving Greta the house and I'm moving back to England for a while. It's probably the worst mistake of my life but to me...well this house feels haunted. I can't live here and not think about them and it hurts so much. Greta has been my rock but I won't let this place waist away. I've hired some more elves, Twitch Onyx and Chico, and I'll have to come here for Christmas holidays to keep watch on things. At least with Twitch, Onyx and Chico Greta won't be lonely and the house won't waste away--it really is a beautiful house. I briefly thought of selling it, but I could never do that. This is their home, my home. Even though it hurts now I'll probably come back someday and when I do I don't want to find it inhabited by strangers. It's selfish but after the last two months I think I deserve a bit of selfishness. "Mistress Evans?" Looking up I smiled weakly. "Hello Onyx, Twitch--would you like my help with something?" I asked standing up but they quickly shook their heads. Each elf, Chico too, have their own set of shirts and socks. Chico is a green eyed elf with blue socks and a blue shirt, Twitch is a purple eyed elf with red clothes, and Onyx a brown eyed elf with orange clothing. Twitch stepped forwards still violently shaking his head. "Of course not Mistress--We came to tell you you're family have arrived and they have brought a red headed girl with them," I nodded absentmindedly thanking Twitch, lost in thought. Bones Manner is a large wooden structure with a winding gravel drive and large black gates--not to mention a huge garden outside and a beautiful fountain in the center of it all. The garden is a maze and the most gorgeous thing. What will my parents and Lily think? Shaking out of my thoughts I smiled at the two elves. "Thank you for telling me--do you mind showing them in while I throw my dishes in to be washed?" They shook their heads. "Of course not Mistress Evans." They bowed and apparated away to the door. I probably should have warned them my parents are muggles. Oops. Leaving the room with my plate and goblet I walked into the kitchen and left them on the bench smiling at Chico who was scrubbing the floor. "Chico?" She got up quickly and bowed. "Yes Mistress?" I chuckled. "My parents and sister are here, I want you to come with me to meet them--you, Onyx and Twitch are apart of my family now just like Greta--you deserve to meet them." Chico nodded quickly obviously taken off guard by my soft smile. "Yes Mistress--Chico would just like to say you are most kind Mistress." I smiled the best I could before it fell away. "Thank you Chico--come on, Twitch and Onyx are already there--Greta too I hope." Holding Chico's hand we walked the distance to the entrance hall to see Three people by the door staring at Onyx, Twitch and Greta curiously. The tallest was a man with red hair with streaks of grey and brown eyes that I remember well, though he had aged obviously. The second by his side a woman with short blonde hair and green eyes, her smile wary. Lastly a tall girl, 5 foot. 7, with long straight ginger-red hair to the center of her back and wide wary green eyes, her skin pale. It was like looking into a mirror but she was more innocent seeming and responsible. "Lily," was the first thing I said, though all my rehearsed speeches fell away when my older twin turned to look at me. She wore a long green dress and flats while mum wore a grey pantsuit and dad a suit and tie, probably having come from work. "Robyn--you''ve grown," she said weakly and I chuckled meek. "Yeah--Five Six," I boasted before my smile fell to a grimance. "Mum, Dad," I greeted nodding slightly. They stiffened. "Robyn--lovely home. I suppose it will go to Christians sister?" Mum asked and I shook my head. "No--they...well they left it to me. Not that I can live here..." I shook it off with an uneasy cough. "I just need somewhere to stay until September first--after that I'll be fine--I'm seventeen and all..." Awkwardly I rubbed my neck not sure what to feel. I felt joyous seeing Lily and my parents, but then I was weighed down by the guilt and the heartache and the...the remorse. I'm not sure I can do this. "These are my house elves and my friends Greta, Onyx, Twitch and Chico," I introduced not wanting to talk about the house or the funeral, though my parents only nodded to my elves before turning back to me. "Lovely to meet you," lily murmured to them ever polite before looking at me too. "How was...How was everything?" Lily asked and I bit my lip. "It went well--though I wish you could of attended. Aunt Raven used to talk about you guys a lot, you especially mum," I told her in earnest and she nodded void of emotion. "We took Lily's magic here so I suppose we'll get home the same way," Dad said and I nodded turning to Lily. "If you don't mind waiting here I can grab my things and apparate us to you're house." Lily winced but nodded. "Sure I guess." That said I made my escape barely holding back my tears as I breathed in and out, eyes closed standing in the dining room where I left my things. This is going to be harder then I thought, what with the emotion threatening the crush me and my horrible need to tell the truth. I'm not sure how much longer I can push it all back, and after a few minutes...grabbing my red roller bag I quickly made my way to the entrance hall wanting to get everything over and done with.

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